
I’m obviously only going by what’s presented here, but this sure reads like a guy who thinks being an iconoclast and being an asshole are mutually exclusive.

Cool. Great contribution from your part.

Hahahaha, uh, what? What the fuck is this comment?

This. I loved it the first time I played it.

It’s okay to stop playing a game.

This system should not exist.

The Avengers may have dated because there have been so many of these movies by now, so I can understand someone watching it for the first time recently thinking its no big deal. But when it came out there had never been a superhero movie quite like it.

Thanks a bunch, i thought Realism was a name for a difficulty where you just die in a hit or two, a step up from the previous one.

Same as GTA probably. Turns out the whole thing is a video game

Suspension of disbelief?

Okay, I’m confused. Kotaku reports that his tweets were so bad that his place of employment saw fit to fire him for his private life that in no way reflects on the company. Then of the two tweets reproduced, one is a verifiable fact that has been widely stated by sociologists and political scientists. The other is a

Facts: Touch and Dare by Stan Bush for this movie may be the two greatest songs made for any film in history. Fight me over this. I will end your world like Unicron.

Agreed. It took this one (after trying a few others) to realize MH just isn’t for me. Kinda like Dark Souls, I really want to like it but just can’t. This online thing is just the kicker. Luckily the local gamestop manager is a friend and will let me return it even though I opened and played it.

I’ve literally seen zero negative stuff about this game. EVERYONE seems to love it. After a day of play, I think I’m done. I don’t get all the praise. The feel of the gameplay is the real dinosaur.

This seems like the sort of article Lifehacker staff might read the comments to, so.

if you guys ever adjust your ads to be less batshit crazy obnoxious, please write an article alerting us. until then you will remain adblocked.

Despite the unfortunate fact that it has the Metal Gear name tacked on (Would be great as its own IP #FuckKonami), MGSurvive is suuuuper fun. I’m loving it. Will likely purchase it on a price drop or sale aswell.

Your comment makes no sense. What are you saying exactly? The director and the stunt coordinator were in cahoots to sexually assault people? The writer would have put the scene in there and James Cameron directed it. A grown woman dancing seductively for a movie scene shouldn’t be in the same category as a little girl

Haha, this has always seemed to me to be the most delicate balancing act of any MMO-style game. Casual players (like me) want cool weapons and outfits too, but aren’t willing to (or can’t) consign ourselves to a strict raid schedule. When the casuals start getting some decent gear from non-raid equivalents, the