
Weirdly, I’m not sure I could ever bring myself to micro the actual cereal itself. :)

huh. My dad is from Jamaica. Maybe its a thing...

UK here. Hot milk poured on Rice Krispies is the food of the Gods.

Right? Fuck, i got bored with my second playthough. Still a great game.

do you not have outlets with ‘mini-switches’? Such a small thing yet I think that would bug the shit out of me.

It doesnt use the wands but it works perfectly fine with a controller. and like OP says, its bloody amazing.

Ava Lotta Morales

This swinging pendulum adds a little bit of urgency and compulsion to act in parts of the game that might otherwise have become a bit of a “click next turn” drag.

I havent got the expansion pack and I usually just play on Warlord but even then, when an AI attacks, I get hit by around 1-2 cav, 2-3 archers, 1-2 bombards. No mods.

Probably would gone down better if he slapped in a ‘in my opinion’ somewhere along the way. Even then, his rant comes off more like telling people who did enjoy TLJ how much their opinion is shit.

Why isnt there more reporting on how goddamn horrendous the MP mechanics are in teh first place. We’ve have years and years of drop in/out co-op and multiplayer and this game feels like i’m back in the stone age.

The thing I love about the grave conversations is that its actually following through on her earlier conversation about how to get around the Nora’s rule against outside contact.

The Odean cinema chain here in the UK has some sort of thing going on and they show theatre, opera and orchestral shows on their screens.

I’ve gotten GTA V to work, with a mod, extremely well in VR.

Counterpoint; Fallout 4 VR is goddamn amazing and you’re out of your mind!

Ted 2.

I dig it.