Man... we’re gonna look back at those early ‘gameplay’ videos and laugh!
Man... we’re gonna look back at those early ‘gameplay’ videos and laugh!
Ah Division..... the sweet, sweet smell of ‘Destiny’ is strong with this one.
Meh. We in the West train our civilians to a higher standard!
For me, its the tiny, easily overlooked details that make a truly great photoshop!
Hopefully people can look behind their expectations and the actual quality of the game can speak for itself on its release.
Just that, like Half-life 3 or Duke Nukem Forver, the game is dead as any sort of actual product that will be reviewed without bias. Its something that will never live up to the ‘hype’. i’m amazed its still getting trotted out at these events.
So...out of curiosity... what’s the magic number I can use as a pc user without it being called out as jerking off?
Now that is a good call. Been toying with the idea of upgrading whilst i still have the chance...
heh. A common setting with a lot of software these days!
i’ve not enjoyed my past experiences with the Geforce Experience when it first came out. Messed with all my settings something fierce and was forever updating...... i might summon up the nerve to try again though. Maybe.
i’ve not enjoyed my past experiences with the Geforce Experience when it first came out. Messed with all my settings something fierce and was forever updating...... i might summon up the nerve to try again though. Maybe.
its great being able to capture those epic moments.
Yesterday we were playing and, during a firefight at level 4, i threw a grenade over a wall, towards a group of bad guys. Blind throw, wasn’t expecting much.
I like the cut of your jib...
Heh. When I said I wanted to get SLI... what I meant was I really, really like the idea of having SLI. I mean, if you’ve got one awesome card then 2 awesome cards stacked together would be badass, right?
I’m going to ride them raw!
I want to get SLI and everyone keeps telling me to get SLI but it seems like with every new game release, there’s a hundred threads bitching about how the game doesn’t have SLI support yet and there’ll be an ‘update soon’. :/
Forget blunt instruments, I want one thing and thing only in my Just Cause 3... Bolo Santosi!
So when do we get jet engines on these babies...?