You’re supposed to be able to kit out your townsfolk...does that include giving them power armour?
You’re supposed to be able to kit out your townsfolk...does that include giving them power armour?
Preach it!
Its really bad, absolutely no doubt but (in less evocative cases) dont jump straight to the designer... sometimes we’re beaten down but stupid requests and we stop fighting it. We’re sometimes paid very well for our ‘expertise’ but you would be amazed how many times a client doesn’t actually want to listen to any…
This is like Jim Henson levels of nightmare fuel...
i’ve played this game...
Which IS great except in this particular bit, its because you are actually following him (for reasons), command and control is temporarily removed.
Dammit...this is like a bleeding edge version of my favourite light aircraft, the Edgley Optica...
I just hit 65 hours of Fallout 4, zero crashes, one graphical glitch and one instance of Dogmeat blocking a doorway. I’ve had a fabulous week off! :p
So i’m walking along....not a care in the world.
I couldn’t believe this asshole.... he’d been in the office like barely an hour and he already had like 12 chrome tabs up and three different social networking sites.
I dont think they’re trying so much as succeeding!
This method got me into trouble at work with the new guy.
Hahah! That’s how I explain it everytime!!!
I know, right?
I think that’s how they generally work. Some suit will have a brain fart and decide he wants to do a Jem movie... the minions will then pull up a folder of the ton of scripts and screenplays they much receive by the truckload... and using search headers like ‘gurls’, ‘music’ and ‘aspirational’...find one that fits the…
Gorramit.... there was a distinct lack of lightsaber in your ‘lightsaber’!
That’s top notch stuff! Don’t play their game! :p
Heh. I should probably had added a smiley or something... was being facetious about having to add extra characters to my well-worn passwords these days.
He doesn’t have any goddamn symbols, characters upper or lowercase so its probably really weak.