
You only won because we were at the end of a freaking ginormous supply line and the bloody Frenchies were joggling our elbow!

Now playing

Filming a zombie movie whist in a zombie movie is a grand tradition. I direct you to Dead Rising 3 and the ‘Zombies Gone Wild’ sidequest!

That youtube shit is insidious, you know... ;p

I remember that time I tried using glitter once... didn’t work out so well.

Have all the internets for ‘the guy’.... just the casualness of that statement is awesome in its trolling, unintended or not!

There it is!

What are you trying to say? I’m mean, you’re totally right, i’m wrong and its not a review but aside from that....yay?

well for starters, he made it pretty clear he was asking about placing the campaigns, which already narrows the field of view greatly.

True... but making a list, you can compare it to your list and the closer the lists match, the more likely his opinion of 5 is going to meet yours. Still subjective... but much better for a comparative assessment.

That’s how i’ve been playing Wildstar. I’m purely PVE and not particular social by nature and i’m always amused at my mates and everyone else seems to be running around with their hair on fire, burning through the levels so they can get into the endgame.

Yeah, I just meant they could be any human sized creature that eats people.... grim and disgusting, yes... but being eaten by a swarm of far smaller creatures?

‘Giant rats’ are just aliens/demons/generic badguys...

NOOOOOOOOO!!! My Titan X is sad.

If I was going to buy a personal yacht, i’d probably go with the Freedom Ship. I like my space.

I know, right... the applications are endless!

...its all made in Taiwan!

I’ve seen the future. Standard Coast Guard/Navy issue ‘Third Arm’ in the year 2024.

Cosplay Convention or Heavy Metal Concert... i cant decide. :p