Whelp.... that had pretty much everything I look for in a trailer! :p
Whelp.... that had pretty much everything I look for in a trailer! :p
So many stars...
This just made my Battlefront heart break once again....
Hey, no judgement here, its still a niche thing no matter what we’d have you think! :p
Truly? Its a Space Marine. The ‘castle on treads’ belong to these guys. They are not a subtle people.
tomayto... tomahto... :p
hahah... he did indeed. After so many AssCreeds, I actually forgot about that!
Since validating its design in the wind tunnel, Lockheed appears to have decided to really get behind this concept and plans to fly a four percent scale model version of it by the first quarter of 2016.
Jazz Hands of Death™
The outfit is such perfection though!
Sorry...needs more Ezio duds.
I couldn’t help. I knew it was click-bait. i knew it.
Sam Elliott’s voice is very distinct in a way that you don’t know whether he’s going to read you a bedtime story or explain exactly why he’s about to execute you at point-blank range.
That fact that its a brilliant shooter just makes the tragedy of its campaign shortcomings even more profound.
No, you’re absolutely right. But its a damn shame they didn’t just market it as a MMO shooter with a PVP focus from the very beginning. Would have saved quite a few of the unhappy people a fair bit of cash, disappointment and regret.
Yep... its a tough call... i mean, i almost went with the Leviathan. I do love my vehicles ‘overgunned’.
I was always fond of the Baneblade... it certainly sends a message. :p
Well, to be fair, in the books they dont have infantry support. Thats what the ‘infinite repeaters’ are for.