Its the Rob Liefeld School of Drawing Feet!
Its the Rob Liefeld School of Drawing Feet!
Do you want to make a blackhole? Because that’s how you get a blackhole.
Maybe they want to fire an ICBM horizontally?
I suppose the line is kinda blurry between good for the viewer and good for the players; sometimes both benefit, others, not so much.
I think Witcher 3, awesome game that it is, just simply overloads you with quests.
In esports matches, this is also something that viewers can’t tell either.
Came for a scenic video of running through beautifully rendered countryside and fantastic skies.
Ahhh....memories of my 23rd Birthday party... waking up on a beach....half naked... headache.....dead bodies...
I actually thought he was Conan, but that it was just an unspoken thing...
Never really found the patience for the EU/CK games, despite how much the detailed nature draws me in.... but i’m 93.4% certain that’s mainly because i’m not particularly engaged by medieval fantasy type stuff.
I’m gonna get this and, just as I did with Dark Souls 1 and 2, i’m gonna use a god mode trainer and enjoy every damn moment smashing the mobs into paste and not die once.
If it works for Buford T. Justice...
A surprisingly rational explanation.
Yeah, I thought this was getting kinda overused but then an article like this comes along and...
I lived and breathed Endless Space. One of my all-time favourite 4X and an amazing first game by Amplitude.
Absolutely. i find the movies have dated terribly but i can still watch Reeves performance again and again. he goes from non-entity to royalty-like stance effortlessly.
exactly. most artisi/writers seem content to put all that ‘disguise’ effort into his glasses, which is lazy but fine...but its also why i reckon its stupid to use the glasses as a plot device.