
But doesn't this solve a problem, though? Some games do have DLC included in used copies, some games don't. Especially before this recent trend of "Game Passes", the normal assumption is that DLC advertised to come with the game on the box comes with the game. This is particularly true in Game of the Year versions

Are you really complaining against consumers knowing exactly what they are purchasing? That the consumer shouldn't know that "Free DLC" label on the box is not available for this particular game, because they are saving $2 dollars instead of $12? Do you really expect every consumer to go into a gamestop, find a game

I think all we really want is a Mini-Map and a Threat gauge.

It's just weird that we have this exception in our laws for sex offenders. Sex offenders are punished for life, even if they've spent the jail time and monetary payments to resolve the issue. You don't have to be convicted of a sex crime to be put on the list. Heck, simply being accused of a sex crime means you

That's pretty much my entire issue with the "Sex Offender" list. Teenagers are sex offenders for having sex before they are 18. Some kids became sex offenders for "sexting". I think a 14 year old girl was put on the list because she was taking a bath with her little cousin.

It's kind of silly. I've played through dozens of MMOs. A lot of good ones that I didn't like, and I lot of bad ones I stuck around for. My tastes in MMOs is rather random and unclear. There's only one thing that remains unchanging, though..

What's the demographic that voted in this whole thing? I can name dozens of things I hate about Bank of America and Comcast over EA...

I still wonder if I'll ever get to see a Runaways or Young Avengers movie....

Considering about half the games we play come out of Asia, I have a really hard time thinking of any protagonist that looks particularly Asian. Shenmue? Do people remember that game?

I meant skipped over as in on a list of possible choice. I didn't mean chronological.

I'm just glad we skipped over WWII....

Not really. Capcom didn't advertise that those characters are available for play. The advertise that they would be available for purchase at a later date.

But that's simply an aesthetic, isn't it? Whether the content is on the disc or on the hard drive, there is no difference in how much you paid or what content you have access to.

Because Capcom didn't have to make them in the first place. The third option is to not make the characters at all.

What did they lie about? It's DLC content, and will be available at a later time. Just because hackers tapped into the data ILLEGALLY doesn't mean Capcom is at fault. You did not purchase a license to use that character. The right to use that character is not outline in the terms of service you agreed upon when

No more fucked than if the content is not actually finished. There's no real difference. People just want free stuff and will complain thinking they can get it.

How is it better? There's no difference in what you pay, or what is delivered. The only difference is that you have to download the content (this takes time), and you have to store it on your harddrive (this takes up hard drive space).

Except the house scenario isn't a proper analogy at all. You aren't purchasing a game, you are purchasing a license: an agreement bound by a terms of use to play.

I think people are failing to realize the natural and logical course of action the company would take by complaining about this.

This is a picture of the Windows 8 Interface. Oh no, how awful....