
*clears throat*

Kotaku is not strictly a gaming blog. It's a gaming + Japanese pop culture blog. Kotaku => Ko + Otaku => Little Geek.

With all of Kotaku's railing on other websites for arbitrary rating systems with numbers, isn't a YES or NO judgement of the game equivalent to giving a game or 10 or a 0, with nothing in between?

Really, these articles need a new banner. Have GUT CHECK in large, and the "no" much smaller. You're getting opposite of what you want to achieve in these articles currently.

Is it bad that the Peach one reminds me of Adventure Time more than Super Mario? That show has been programmed into my brain in very terrifying ways.

Bluh bluh bluh

Unfortunately, it's not the most expensive chess set I've seen...

It's not about the "telling them" part, but rather the "I believe this, so therefore I must be evil" message that prevails in these discussion.

I think my reaction mainly stems from these "proud to be me" style campaigns depicting women who are... happy to be overweight? It's a bit hypocritical on my end, because I do believe that people can and should live their lives in whatever way makes them happy

I guess they have every right to maintain whatever state of body they so please, but I don't see how my statement would be any worse than saying "You should have that rash checked out".

I get the whole butts and boobs problem, but is it really "sexist" to believe that an "attractive" woman is someone who maintains a healthy weight, or (god forbid) a somewhat athletic build?

That's highly dependent on the type of motherboard you have. In most cases, they do not allow switching between two video cards like that.

Well, here's the thing. The court ruling is useful to both companies. Yes, they can make some arrangement out of court, but that's not what Bethesda wants. Bethesda wants a court ruling.

Meh, I paid 300 dollars for a set of DDR pads. I just didn't play anything else for a while.

Do we keep all the items we got in the previous run?

Mojang did pull out of trademarking the name "Scrolls" (which was probably the thing that set off the legal alarms at Bethesda). However, since the legal team was already involved, it was probably better for Bethesda to just go along with the suit and have the court draw a thick line so there's no ambiguity as to

I still don't understand why we can't just play as 4 Kirbys. I mean, it kind of stinks only one guy gets to use all the cool abilities and the other 3 are locked into a single moveset.

I remember school teaching us that you can't subtract a large number from a smaller number.

Spending some time over at my parents place, so I'll be limited to Android games for a while. Lots of Solitaire, some Plants vs Zombies, and this weird but super-fun bug killing game called SWAT!.

Man, Proto really let himself go...