
It’s even more laughable when you know anything about the history of Battletech; even the early pen&paper iterations tended to be more diverse & inclusive than many other games of the time.

SJW’s are simultaneously weak willed pussies and master manipulators and intimidating to these people. I wish they would stop the smokescreens and just flat out say “I want this GALAXY of human civilization to be 99.5% pretty white people.”

Haha there are a ton of those shitty post on the BT page. My favorites are when a poster perceives “SJW” meddling. Go on the screed about how SJWs are bad because they are making the devs change the game... Then they follow up by telling the Devs need to go in and change game back as if there was a non SJW version

... if not for those non-native English speakers, it’d probably be lower? :D

Excellent rule of thumb for any of our white brethren wondering if they should call the cops: Ask your self “would *I* do (activity)?” Maybe follow it up with “HAVE I done (activity)?” if the answer to either is yes, put the phone down and go back to fucking up potato salad.

(Copy and pasting what I wrote at The Avocado. Uh, it’s a lot)

It’s long been my personal contention that Rose was a fundamentally selfish individual, endlessly fascinated by the new, the novel. Embracing and encouraging things outside the established order was just a way to experience vicariously. She obsessed over humans because they’re constantly changing from the moment

My son wanted to watch it coz it looked cute/funny. He was bored halfway through the first episode, and I was laughing my ass off. I’ll keep watching, and he can revisit it when he’s had his soul crushed properly in the workplace.

No one ever got pregnant from information.

Which is hilarious, because the same types of people who are super uptight about other people talking to their kids about sex, are equally uptight themselves about talking about sex and do a horrible job educating their own children (which is what they claim they want to do). As a result we have huge pockets of kids

When you teach people that bc and condoms don’t work, surprise! People don’t use them!

Not only that, but I think literally every scientific study out there on the issue has shown that abstinence-only education is vastly inferior to comprehensive sex ed at preventing teen pregnancy and STD transmission.

Do they honestly believe they’re teaching them HOW? Like one meeting about their school’s sex ed curriculum should clear that up, but I’m guessing they didn’t bother.

Not just that people don’t want to be abstinent, but the vast majority of people in the US are not abstinent. Why teach sex Ed based on outdated values that don’t apply to most of the population? Why not just have sex Ed that addresses real issues of people in the real world?

Shit, that would actually be useful. Most people have bad experiences with anal sex because they don’t know what the fuck they’re doing.

I feel like “as a mom” and similar sentiments is the education/knowledge version of “I’m not racist, but...” in the sense that nothing good ever follows it.

“Not everybody wants to be abstinent,” she said

Which is a real shame because quite frankly they should be teaching them how to do all those things. How do you masturbate should be sex 101. It would solve so many basic issues for women especially.

Seriously. I’m so sick of that photo from Trump’s wedding being used to insinuate that they’re all somehow best friends. You know who else was at a Trump wedding? Rosie O’Donnell! And I think it’s pretty clear to everyone that they are not exactly chummy.

Oh my god, a photograph of them together! It’s the smoking gun! If people are photographed together they’re obviously exactly the same! Roosevelt and Churchill were Communists!