
Yes, I can’t wrap my head around how it would feel to have your life snatched away by injustice, incompetence and racist undercurrents. I might go insane.

Evidence suggests that progesterone, “while generally well tolerated, can cause significant cardiovascular, nervous system and endocrine adverse reactions as well as other side effects.”

What’s particularly ironic (best word I could think of besides “fucked up”) is that there’s a really good chance that Trump himself has paid for/insisted upon a few abortions in his time. He doesn’t like pregnant women anyhow (even his own wives) and sees everything in terms of his own personal enrichment. And I’m

Such a surprise that they Party of Rape is also the Party of Forced Birth and Experimental Medical Procedures on non-consenting parties.

Fetus > Babies, toddlers, children, teens, adults, old people and some animals

But. Her. Emails.

I’ve seen multiple people over the years suggest we use prisoners for drug testing or other medical experiments. A not small portion of America are stupid, facist assholes. Guess I see why the neo Nazi shit is going over so well.

What’s the over/under on how many of these fuckwads that are trying to deny legal healthcare to a ward in their charge are also the kind that would turn around and bitch about anchor babies after attempting to force this poor girl to carry a child against her will?

The party of forced birth, folks. I’m sure the fetusophiles who held their noses with varying levels of enthusiasm in the voting booth while dreaming of Gorsuch will be lapping this up with celebratory memes and highly-FW:FW:FW-able prayer chain emails.

It’s shocking that a group like the Republicans, who regularly deny science, has zero understanding of science.

Ok, look...I’m an author, and I like to write and read horror, dystopian, and/or post-apocalyptic fiction. But if I sent an agent a query for a book that replicated everything this goddamned administration has done it’d be turned down as ‘too unrealistic’ and ‘nobody would believe so many people would be so damn evil’.

I’m thinking: This is their next step in the march toward Gilead.

Change it to firewoman. If men want to be specific they can always be referred to as “male firewoman” or “gentleman firewoman.”

There can’t be unbiased hiring until there is no more bias in society, and there can be no more bias in society until there are more women in positions of power and equity in traditionally male dominated environments and professions. In order to get that, and overcome systemic and institutional hiring bias, quotas are

I honestly thought “firefighter” was the Official Term and “fireman” was just sort of a nickname. I guess I’m wrong?

Agreed. Not sure how much manhood these haters even have left. They all seem like a bunch of “whiny little bitches” borrow a phrase.

That is sooo true. I’d rather go by firefighter any day. I’m not even the type to go about reclassifying everything. But I think this both makes sense and is bad ass.

“Something, something, political correctness run amok. Something, something, if my title doesn’t have the word ‘man’ in it my dick might fall off from lack of attention. Something, something Feminazis.”

And actually a more accurate description of the job. Fireman could be a man who is on fire. It just makes more logical sense, what do people have issue with???

In addition to this being sexist bullshit, “firefighter” is undoubtedly the cooler name. It makes you sound like you are wrestling Balrogs or some shit.