
These problems would be compounded by “the negro teacher,” who subjected to “subversive propaganda,” sees the world in a way “antagonistic, to the white philosophy of life.”

Absolutely. And it’s all shielded with an almost inarguable, impenetrable “this is for the good of my children, it’s not about race” (horseshit) idea, at least nowadays.

And yet, they decided to tell all their voters to vote Trump, because they believed that it would be easier to control him for their whim.
The only foley in this plan is of course, Trump is a maniac.
But they’ll never ask for the opposition to be their president, and that’s a fact.

She didn’t defend him....? Did you even read the response?

Funny, I like her more and more.


No. We lost because we had an entire legislative branch filled with Republicans. You think their voters are just going to flip sides for the opposite party when Obama was still creating laws “contrary” to their beliefs?
“Nobody’s Obligated”...what a joke statement just to be dismissive of us all helping put Trump in

Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Are you kidding me?

Except that isnt what happened here.

She’s entitled to do what she wants. Nobody said shit like this about Gore or Kerry after THEY lost. Gee, I wonder what the difference is between them?

Well, probably unbeknownst to most those starring me, that’s exactly how I meant it...

I liked this statement very much. This site wouldn’t give her a break if she cured cancer, even on a night when we had what amounted to a fascist rally in the Capitol.

We lose so much because we believe this type of ham-handed interpretation of events.

The woman was just moved to another physical office. Not “reassigned.”

At the time she couldn’t win. Had she fired the dude and he sued, HUGE Hillary ballbuster story. Another made up scandal for her to deal with. And for her response now, I don’t know, she probably can’t say what I’m thinking she wants to, which is “Oh, go fuck yourselves, I did my best to balance what needed to be done

Oh, come on. You know that if she didn’t respond, people would’ve written op-eds being like, “Why hasn’t Hillary responded? Does she endorse sexual harassment?” Everything Hillary Clinton does and does not do is news and has been since at least 1992.

Now playing

Okay this is a shitty defense for a shitty decision and hindsight is indeed 20/20 but people in the comments need to wisen the fuck up. Like the #metoo movement hadn’t happened in November of 2016 and y’all only had two options when it came voting time. It doesn’t matter what happened before or what’s come out since

Well we lose because we have “standards”.
We tore this lady down, called her the worst names possible, and basically made it seem like she was a female anti-christ, because she wasn’t as perfect as Obama. 
Meanwhile, the side that won, is going to get us all killed in a twitter battle.
So I guess the whole country is

Except if she did not say anything the media would pretend that her not responding should be news. They would probably put up a clock ticking off how long it has been without her responding.

Can we stop with the Clinton shit. She is no longer news. She is not the president. She is not actively destroying our country. She is a flawed person who has made a fair amount of stupid decisions in her life. She has also been attacked relentlessly for her mistakes. And also for everything else she has ever done. It