
Well probably cause clearly lesbian couples are only supposed to be used in pornographic images of heterosexual male fantasy (I mean, as long as they're HOT, maaaannn... groan). So yeah, definitely an NC-17 rating on that one.

Interesting thought, what movie(s) do you recommend?

I can't imagine how you even lived before you were able to instantly see the pictures of your food.

Well that's a little literal... Wearing a Radiohead tshirt and singing about Radiohead. How... meta?

I would rather look for this type of troll online than the kind I seem to usually find...

I think this can be semi-inferred from the article here. The main pictures being used for Amanda and Gina are the pictures that were used when they initially went missing. They were the pictures that were WIDELY distributed. As the article states, nobody paid much attention to Michelle going missing. Hence, it's

What about when the dog licks it... that's kinda the same thing, right? I mean, a dog's mouth is supposedly cleaner!

I must be watching a completely different video from everyone. They're walking together, then she steps out in front and is standing directly in front of the door to be opened. She turns to look back at the photog with her hand on the door, then opens it. What's Kanye supposed to do? Push her out of the way so that he

Why don't the other major networks (namely FOX and CBS) have true morning shows in the way ABC and NBC do? Is the network too saturated? Are they more expensive to produce? Is it too late for the others to get in on the ball game?

A recurring column that happens once a year? Maybe they're just not all tagged...

By the article title I would have expected this to be a review of the movie, not a compilation of everybody else reviewing the movie. Why say it's a "review" when it doesn't seem like it was even seen? But I'm glad we can read! So that's a positive, right?

"It's unfortunate that we give so much media attention to Boston, but barely any to the men and women who are blown up by IEDs in Afghanistan" -from someone I went to college with and worked at a crappy retail job with back in the day. She's a military wife, but I don't think it excuses this.

You must be a braver soul than I since I wouldn't even venture into the black hole that is mainstream news coverage of this one.

I haven't seen the episode of Glee yet, but all the hoopla over it kinda reminds me of the way people initially reacted to the Buffy episode "Earshot" and ultimately had its airing postponed for months. Chill out.

I made a note to them about the fact that I didn't have and didn't want to have an answer about immigration (their question they were pushing me on was "after immigration is reformed, what will happen to everyone here illegally?). It's just not one of my hot-button issues. It's kind of one of the second tier where I'd

I'd be interested to see the difference in comments on my OKC account when I have simply pictures of the way I look now, compared to an account with a mixture of pictures from now and pictures from my previous (larger) shape. I think online dating breeds superficiality so it doesn't surprise me that "Dick's" worst

I think the non-apology is fine here in the case of an unreasonable person. Case in point, I've recently finished a DAYS long facebook "war" with my tea party enthusiast cousin and uncle (I started by asking why use fear of immigrant crime to try to justify stricter immigration laws when the statistics don't back it

I would say that this is sadly indicative of the quality I've seen lately coming from the main page.

Fitz, yes, but every character? No! I'm kinda digging the Quinn/Huck thing that's happening. Like, when he gave her a "family" I was kinda all "awww" and slightly "um..." and a little bit "eek!" But their new brother/sister teacher/student thing is starting to become pretty fun.

And he's still your boyfriend/fiance?