
Juror B-37 is certainly a jerk and I do believe she and her husband planned on a book deal from the moment she got the jury summons. However, it's safe to say that she doesn't know the Zimmerman family.

I don't think that one can really "get themselves" on a jury. I think you're giving this dipshit a lot of credit that isn't due.

It proves that Zimmerman's lawyer did his job. "George" is just one of them — a normal dude and things got out of hand. Trayvon Martin is a statistic.

"But the subtext of domination, rape, humiliation, hurt or even killing that is now woven into much available pornography"

Yeah, I don't care for this; hearing dudes throw this word around like it's nothing isn't particularly cool or funny. Not even in an ironic way.

Actually, it's Her Majesty, not Her Highness. Sorry. I don't know what is with me being so pedantic and correcting everyone today. I didn't get enough sleep and I'm grouchy and evidently I take that out on bloggers. :(

I'm actually from the US, though I did live in England for a time, and I managed to figure it out. Most people are probably just too lazy to look it up.

You'd think that they'd finally understand the difference between the United Kingdom, Great Britain, etc. because of the sheer number of people who comment here every time someone gets it wrong.

goes to show that some policy is best decided at the federal level.

In Canada it was made law July 20, 2005. For the whole country. So maybe it's not exactly yours, Yankee.

By the way, I also think an all-white jury was a problem, but are you familiar with how and why that happened? Because it was not an attempt to deliberately create one. Of the first 12 people who were seated for the official voir dire, eight of them were white women. The defense successfully struck one of the

Your gay marriage? The Dutch gays are celebrating their 12th anniversaries.

And you may very well be right. I'm just not comfortable parsing every word of a statement put together by four women — none of whom are PR professionals — who seem, to me, to be clearly responding to the fact that Juror B-37 went out and made them all look like a bunch of biased jerks.

The last part of the statement says, "We appeal to the highest standards of your profession and ask the media to respect our privacy and give us time to process what we have been through." I don't think they are asking for sympathy from the American public. They are asking for a few days respite from the media.

Wow. I am also disappointed in their verdict and wish that George Zimmerman had been punished, but the amount of, frankly, uninformed and unadulterated hatred toward this group of anonymous women sickens me. They rendered a verdict that is not popular and does not make sense to many of us. They took steps within 24

I'm sorry, but really, this is a bit ridiculous.

Ta Nehisi Coates does precise and easy to understand commentary/roundups on his blog as well as the Atlantic. He is a must read.

I disagree, and I say this as someone who thinks Zimmerman should be rotting in prison and that our legal system is what allowed a murderer to walk. I also have a lot of experience in our legal system. I have served as a juror on two murder cases (small county with a smaller jury pool), and I'm a cadaver dog handler

The prosecution did not present an airtight case that zimmerman never, at any point, feared for his life. The jury instructions explicitly reminded jurors to consider that he had the right to use deadly force if he reasonably believed his life was in danger. The verdict is a massive disappointment, but it is the last

Looks like she corrected it, per your recommendation, without any sort of note.