
Okay so I get that you're a third year law student (I was one once) and I'm sure Jezebel doesn't have an Indian law or tribal attorney on hand for just these sort of matters but you seem to be in over your head on this topic. I'm by NO means an expert but IIRC while the ICWA is indeed a federal law - the spirit of

From my understanding (and this may not be correct... I'm reading a lot about this and some stories are contradictory) the Capobiancos didn't break a federal rule. There was some shoddy paperwork that seems to track back to an honest mistake made by the birth mother (she tried to verify the birth father's tribal

You are absolutely, 100%, no contest, wrong, wrong, wrong.

If you're not willing to separate the man from the tribe in your argument that they should have the child back for the sake of culture, then you cannot separate the tribe from the man when I point out to you that he gave up all his legal rights to the child.

I don't know. Ask the federal government and religious people.

People stay together for all sorts of reasons aside from a strong emotional bond. And having seen, in my personal life, what I would consider some bullet-proof marriages end, even though an emotional bond continues, I now have a different take when I see an older (or in my case middle-aged) couple together after many

That is a good slant that changes how I read your comment, but most of the replies are continuing a conversation of "let's discuss how frequently we are confused for younger people!", which I think is a continuation of what Tracy was trying to point out as problematic.

I thought the same. In this comments section - people talking about how they don't look their age. In response to a piece where someone says "who cares about looking your age or not looking your age?" Also, did anyone click through and actually try to READ that piece that this is in reference to? I couldn't make it

It feels like comments like these are kind of missing the point of this article.


I respect Muslim Feminists and I think they do a lot of good work. However, I disagree with them that Islam is a positive religion for women or gender equality. I disagree with them that religious cultures that instruct women on how to dress or behave have a place in what feminism is trying to achieve. Islam (along

I think comparing Shevchenko with an obviously thoughtless tourist is a bit much. There may be a problem as old as colonialism going on here, and some of the arguments for Femen are unfortunately ethno-centric... but she has a point when she says: "...but don't deny millions of sisters who have fear behind their

I wasted a sizable chunk of Friday afternoon and Saturday morning fighting it out in the comments on the Gawker post that attempted to explain why Obama's comment is not cool. I've said it before in another post and I'll say it again: it is shocking how much vitriol and venom is expelled in the course of men defending

I hope I'm actually replying to you, Mary.