
You don't know what carriers have control over especially since CIQ is suppose to be designed to help better and monitor the network problems.

Even if you do read it, you can't do anything about it. It's either agree to what we say or take your business else where.

I can understand why they put it in phones. But what I don't agree with some of the of the actual things it monitors. How is keystrokes, messages, and call history gonna tell you anything relevant about the device.

You can't opt out of CIQ. You agree to it by signing a contract with a cell phone company.

That's not the same thing as CIQ, because the same option comes with every Android phone when you are asked to set-up for the 1st time.

All they need to do is change certain things about it and call it something other than Akira, and people will be happy. It will obviously be based off Akira but if the movie does bad it won't ruin the reputation of Akira, Like The Last Airbender did.

Not true, most modern things like laptops, cell phones, remotes, games controllers, cameras, etc. use small screws.

I brought one 4 days ago because of the HC promise, I was thinking about putting HC leak but the leak doesn't have Netflix on it.

How about a rip-off of the movie Tremors.

Gotcha, I figured as much.

Neither is Grand Central, the 4, 5, 6, and 7 trains all pass through there. Unless those trains aren't considered to be part of it.

You can see it from the Metro North before the train gets to the station or after the train is leaving.

It like the same thing you see birds do when they are flying by the beach or docks.

Probably because it's still a more effective weapon than Mechanical/Chemical weapons. There was no guarantee that that bullets chemicals would work against dinosaurs. In the episode they said they prepared for that particular type of emergency but the machine they used was damaged.

What about Penn "Station"?

You can see the train station to the left if you are riding the Metro North into Grand Central Station.

I'm sure it can, but according to True Blood the vampire would be rapidly forces out towards the door as soon as they appeared. Or they would fall to their knees in extreme pain and start bleeding out of every hole until they died or left the house.

Welcome to the club.

Said it was in my cart 2x, go to checkout and it's empty.

I have no idea what they are doing with these X-Men movies, Are they trying to connect them all together? Are they just picking the characters that they think will have the best stories together? They get some much wrong with these character stories that they have to make up some B.S. just to tie the characters back