
How in the fuck was that the whole episode? I kept waiting for something, anything to happen. We get six of these and one of them is an entire episode of talking? I mean, we got the “kid zombie pinwheel of fire”™, but that was kind of it. Otherwise it was a fancy recap show...

The Night King doesn’t even have to invade, Sansa’s gonna freeze the north over with just her stare.

i didn’t just tear up, YOU just teared up 

Return of the Jedi redux?

I concur with the above, and additionally on the music: I kinda cheered when Celebrity Skin came over the end credits....

Spoiler for me, personally: When the Marvel logo rolled out completely comprised of Stan cameos, I immediately teared up. Then, when they popped the “Thank you, Stan” card, I spilled over.

In your lede image, that (gigantic swollen growth) is NOT anything you discussed in this piece. That...that right there is an alien-orb and should only be removed by a board-certified surgeon; preferably, one that has served a residency period aboard the USCSS Nostromo.

MartiniGuy was an accidental birth that really should not have happened. It ruined the lives of his teenage parents for the remainder of their adult lives.


Ya....time machine ftw. Mic drop.

Still the only movie to show the Real Darth Vader. The dad joke sucked but I’m going to look up the end battle again right now just as soon as I type this period.

Damn! I got goosebumps all over when I saw that scene.


China is a far more rational actor than Russia is. China wants to be on top of the world, they are pushing their way to dominate to global economy and exert their will elsewhere. Russia also wants to be on top of the world, they just seek to collapse everyone else to a level beneath them rather than actually seek

Was it ever?

Because you stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night?

All IMO obviously, but I left the theater thinking it was no better than Rogue One and by the time I got home I thought it was as bad as a the prequels. I found it messy and felt extremely long. The most interesting character, Snoke, they kill off without ever answering anything about him and he’s replaced with