

1-5 is so unbelievably pretentious that the comedy starting at 7 is almost lost.

This is a dumb and bad take. Bratwurst cooked in beer or wine (and onion) and then lightly grilled to crispy on the outside is freaking delicious.

This is the “I don’t own a TV” of sausage takes.

This list couldn’t be more wrong.

We need to make Baby Boomers go fuck their own selfish asses and die.

I don’t think anyone here thinks that ref was trying to rig the game against Boston. It was just a really bad, weird call.

This is the correct answer. There doesn’t have to be a conspiracy for the call to be a barrel of ass. My guess is in real time from that ref’s angle it looks like there’s more contact than there is (if there is at all) and the awful shot that comes up so short seems to confirm that’s what happened. But sometimes a

Counter-point: That call was shit.

Short answer: No.

and deodorant is basically just rubbing chemicals on your pits to cover up the smell.

Finally, Richard Sherman admits to pass interference.

I’m really getting tired of you posting reasonable comments here. I mean, how are people supposed to be outraged when you’re going around trekking people to wait for evidence? (And yeah, Gasser seems to have a bit of an anger issue...)

Per the forensics, he did not stand over McKnight and shoot him while McKnight was on the ground. The forensics indicate all shots happened while Gasser was in his car.

I guess that also explains why Drake and Steph are about half as freaked out as Chappelle.

Shit in a hot dog bun is not a shit sandwich.

I don't know where you've worked, bub, but no manager in any place I've ever worked could get away with screaming "ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION ASSHOLE" or any other goddamn thing in an employee's face. It's abusive and domineering and unhinged, and it's not how sane, decent adults treat other adults, or kids, or

Gregg Popovich does not do this to his players. He may get intense with them, but he absolutely does not rage out on them like this. And screaming "ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION ASSHOLE" at a college freshman is not "let[ting] his players know that someone is in charge." It's letting his players know that he's

Try to imagine Gregg Popovich or Erik Spolestra treating a player like this. Coaches like Frank Martin are power-tripping rage monsters who get off on bullying kids, and they can fuck off.