
Darlington is a lock to start, much more so than Bobby Wood being a lock.

So will Stephen A. Smith

How does this list (while great) not include Sushi Go Party?

Brian Anderson would be a huge upgrade

It is the your earned reward. Trust me, after the Magic Kingdom, any sense of obligation will go out the window.

The fact that you can do this on a PK is so dumb.

The fact that the Badgers are the only team in the NCAA to use balls from Sterling (a company I didn’t know existed until today) makes their argument a little hypocritical.

For whatever it is worth, Capital Brewing Company is legit.

You knew a guy or you listen to Howard Stern?

Don’t worry, like the dutiful solider he is, Mike Golic was already out this morning with NFL scripted talking points.

Late August however is great, school just started so I had the first birthday before any birthday fatigue set-in, I was the oldest in my class.

The answer is Yasiel Puig.

I think this is a Power Play to get his guy Greg Gard the interim job. He wanted to name Gard the “coach in waiting” this past summer, but AD Barry Alvarez basically said “thanks, but I’ll be picking the coach.” By leaving now, he gets to hand it off to his guy.

With the first pick in the drunk draft: Maurice Clarett - guy was drinking Grey Goose during practice

Which you can only do by dominating in the first place.

I felt like I was reading the Emmitt Smith portion of Drew’s Jambaroo

I’ve never understood the pile, especially since replay has been in use. Once a player has the ball on the ground, he should be tagged down immediately when someone else touches him or lands on top of him. In many/most cases, it would seem easy enough to go and look at who had the ball before 8 people jumped into a

All of this is fine, but why the lack of beer reviews?

...or simply save the lunch for the next day and use some excuse like “co-worker Bruce wanted to vent so we stepped out and grabbed a burrito while he complained about Mr. Witherspoon, so I don’t need a lunch tomorrow. I just wanted you to know.”

The wave is fine for 3 go-rounds as something that kids find really cool. After that it can be over, no need to try be “let’s get it going again guy.”