
Aren't poultry processors self-inspecting now? That sounds scary as hell.

My adorable rescue mutt approves of your mom.

Breed discrimination!

You've muddled the timing and significance of the two major issues in contention. GamerGate is first and foremost about harassing women. Proponents eventually attempted to legitimize this by claiming the problem is ethics in game journalism, an argument Kyle Wagner demolished in his Deadspin piece yesterday.

Thank you!

How did you move beyond that frame of mind? Genuinely curious.

It's a valid point. But why are these boy-men — like Elliot Rodger — blaming their problems on women? That doesn't make any damned sense, unless one's an immature, undereducated, narcissistic rage-oholic.

Kyle addressed that. You didn't read the article, did you?


This conversation reminds me that there are different flavors of misogynist: the purist; the hater; the cynic; the hypocrite; the one who believes in his family's exceptionalism. The list goes on ...

Wouldn't argue your point about the embarrassed father either, at least among the truly non-religious. There's been some research showing that birth rates for young single women have jumped in white, middle-class evangelical communities in the South. These parents can prevent their daughters from accessing birth

Because no Arkansas federal judge has ever beat his wives within an inch of their lives, and kept his post. Because no Texas judge has ever beat his daughter on video and kept his post. Misogynists hate poor and minority women more, but they hate all women period.

These laws will always harm poor women and women of color more, but make no mistake: They're designed to ultimately control all women.

The funny thing about Grierson's performance here is that he describes a book/movie about the rape and torture (and revenge) of a woman, set against the backdrop of the murders of many women, as "sexy".

You're not wrong. DV tends to be worse in very religious areas, including the South.

Perfect. Now please write another piece to/about adults who whine about old people.

Will do. Thank you!

I appreciate everything you've said, and I do agree that the potential for abuse is horrific. Are you here in the U.S.? I am, and it's my impression that paid surrogacy is illegal, but that may be a state by state matter.