Every family's different, and you sound very young at best, very ignorant at worst.
Every family's different, and you sound very young at best, very ignorant at worst.
Luckily for most women who test positive for Down Syndrome, they don't know you or give a fuck about what you think. And you can't do a goddamned thing to influence their decision. So go on and live your sad, ignorant, judgmental life. No1curr.
Right? There's a frightful amount of condemnation and superiority on display here for what's really a very sad and difficult situation for all concerned.
Lot of trolls and idiots out tonight, and maybe a few very young, very naive types. It's awfully good of you to respond to them in good faith, but most don't deserve it.
The article is gonna make me really mad, isn't it? No need to answer.
I'm 100% on your side of the gun debate but no joke, cops' kids have been known to steal their parents' guns, uniform shirts and even their marked police cruisers. Some cops are so careless with their guns that their toddlers have been able to shot and kill their toddler friends.
Or paying pedophile priests $20,000 a pop to retire while hiding diocese funds from victims suing for damages.
Try the Dom.
Ten percent, really? I didn't know this, and I'm a grown woman. Then again, I always cut high school biology.
Oh, snap! Nice work.
Hey thanks, I'll check all those out. xo
That was funny! Now, what games? I have an iDevices. And I do play piddly little stuff like Plants v. Zombies and Bejewelled. I used to love Gutterball on my PC, but then I switched to a Mac, and Lion doesn't support it. (I think.)
You could probably turn me on to some intro video games if you tried. Then I would have to spend more time here :)
You look so sexy with that star on!
I applaud you for fighting the good fight here. I'm exhausted just reading all this outrage. Straight, white men are so emotional!
Quantum and Willa have addressed this clearly and thoughtfully. My recommendation: that you spend some time reflecting upon their comments and trying to understand them. Because at this point, your reflexive, defensive replies are simply demonstrating ignorance and a closed mind.
Agree. But that's what AJ said it in at least two of his many posts on commenting changes.
Supposedly funny for funny's sake will no longer be considered valuable, at least at Gawker.
Fyi, this forcible procedure, under any other set of circumstances, constitutes forcible rape under VA state law. So it may be your opinion that this is being sensationalized, and it's your right to have and express that opinion. But that opinion is factually wrong. (I've left the source for that elsewhere on this…