
ok let's blow it to make a cool ring... world

A little volume would have been welcomed as well. But your millage may vary.

But... did it work? or should someone else try it?

By the first 23 seconds I wanted them all to die.

He want to be more papist than the Pope.

We will simply send them back in time of course!

So they practically went in a papercraft balloon.... balls and madness indeed.

So they practically went using a balloon... balls and madness indeed.

Actually I was referring to Surtur... on the Walt Simonson's run, Surtur is gradually introduced as forging a sword before bringing Raknarok

Meh. What could possibly go wrong?

Thor2: Destroyer + Eternals + Celestials. And after the credits, some guy upon an anvil.... DOOM!!

What could possibly go wrong?

You are evil, Dr. Morita. Carry on.

Yeah, also, making offensive tittles should make the paper controversial and bring more reviewers.... ha!

so it's The Brood


Wish somebody did a site to match one's face to any other submitted in order to find those supposed 5 to 7 people who are just like you. Google?

Well, I've just seen this and I take it all back. It was good. Carry on.

Well, maybe the principal fears the time when high school Galactica recreations become common