Had it been something a bit less cargasmic than the Aston I would have gone for the Matador. You know, like a Bangle-ized 7 series or a new G63 that would have definately swayed me.
Had it been something a bit less cargasmic than the Aston I would have gone for the Matador. You know, like a Bangle-ized 7 series or a new G63 that would have definately swayed me.
Plymouth's first entry into the sub-compact market were not recieved well due to the odd proportions. On a positive note the development costs were minimal due to the first use of platform sharing.
@Markstre302: I do not mean Bullitt or Vanishing Point, but rather the first two installments of The Fast and The Furious as per my comment under the inductee vote post.
I went and had to spend alot of time thinking about two craptacular movies in order to make up my mind and now you come up with the whole tie by-rule thing?! You sadistic bastards!
@Meat Farley: That, sir, is awesome.
After 15 minutes of just thinking to myself which one of these cars I would pick over the other I had to hurt myself and go to secondary movies to be the deciding factor, specifically the Fast and Furious 1 & 2. I figure rather than place one good movie against one bad movie I would use two bad movies for the…
Without a doubt the poor and now rightfully deceased Nova. When they first came out as a small car they were nothing special, then as the musclecar era took a firm hold through-out damn near every 'merican car line the little "no go" sure as hell was able to put that little nick-name to rest. And that was all direct…
All I have to say is remember which one always has 6 foot flames coming out of it's ass in pictures.
When is someone going to hire this design student?! Seems like anyone looking to build a sports car could definately use some of his touches. Hello, Toyota, he could probably really help with the LFA styling "issues". And on a personal note I would love to see what he could do with a nice Alfa design. He does such a…
@Vintage Racer: Word.
Lambo for sure. Expounding on the twin CPU'd V12's of yesterday I propose being a friday we go all out and make that thing into a total freak by making it a 16 cylinder quad turbo monster. Veyron motor you say? NO! Two Hayabusa V8's joined at the crank and then a sequential turbo setup for each motor. Figure that…
Air cooled Hemi sold it for me. I like the look of the Skoda more, but c'mon... air cooled hemi...
I had to go with the Saab because I start to feel guilty when I laugh on the inside at people who obviously have turrets(?).
I sence much "Impulse" voting in the near future.
498" > 6 cylinders
@beercheck: Damn. You beat me to it, but I do like the way you think. And with what that thing would weigh when done you would be burning out for a very long time methinks.
I now have an answer to the question of the day. These cars make me cry because I know we can only have one of them. :(
I can't say what new cars are really visually offensive today. A few years ago I saw a brand new Aztec in bright pale yellow (if that makes sense) and was so horrified I gouged my eyes out right there. That image haunts me to this day.
Gotta respect a pimp in a faux-vert.
Following this reasoning, we should all be driving yaris's, yarii(?). Anyways, that is the cheapest new car so we should all drive them is what I get from that coment.