The creepy factor remains.
The creepy factor remains.
You're right, of course. This is exactly the wrong place to come looking for positive reinforcement. A Dorothy Parker attitude might be the best you get here.
For example, I could point out that there is absolutely no fundamental difference between this and the mothers who dress their young daughters up for beauty…
I never liked "parent toys". You know, the: "I loved this, so you must too" crap (friends do this with books, as well.)
I end up going. "Yes. Thank you. How thoughtful. No. I'm fine. I can play chess, so I think I can manage 'Hungry, Hungry Hippos.'"
And the film treatment of "Battleship" does not fill me with optimism about this project.
I hear that they're going to make a movie based on the "Shutes and Ladders" board game. Setting aside the fact that this is intrinsically mind-boggling, that was considered to be a "baby" game when I was nine years old.
"Mouse Trap" was boring. You build this elaborate thing and then it goes "roll, roll, fall, turn, roll some more, hit that, descend, and end with a thump." That was just another day on the playground for me, my friend.
Does any normal person know WTF this title means?
No offense intended. Just a word to the wise.
Being right in these cases is almost entirely irrelevant.
I learned early-on that you can have a patent on something as a small company. If Some ginormous company like DOW wants to use it, what are you going to do it about it? The funds it will require for them to bankrupt you will be in the margins.
A patent is a piece of paper, not a shield.
Artificial constructs like "RD&DA" will NOT convince anyone to buy your product, and your patent will not deter anyone from stealing it.
Really. How come I have lots of patents that have absolutely no relation to your RD&DA bullsh*t? I was just creative, and my company backed me and a lot of them worked because I tested the ideas? How about that?
You had a "stats class"? That sounds very boring. Did you fail Math or something?
I am NOT weird.
I am unusual.
Mind your manners, Bogart.
If I was weird, I'd know what you were going to say to me now...
And my answer would be, "I'd love to!"
If you did a whippet, it would be cooler, man.
Look. Be careful with the helium balloons.