
Awesome is as awesome does. Fabulous!!!

And by the way, Basshole,
"...quit your job and see what happens more often than not ends up badly."
It does? How do you know? Sounds more like a notion than a fact. Nevermind. Just publish the study itself. The one to which you were just referring.
Assuming there is one, of course.
There is. Right? You didn't just

You only get the one life. Enjoy it. Try things. It's a really big world, you know? Don't get trapped in your living room.

Look. If you like your job, then keep doing it; more power to you! But if you feel like you've had it, then move on. There is nothing wrong with that, either.

Do people WANT to lose their money? It's demonstrably true (written on the back of the ticket itself) and OBVIOUS that you have invested your hard-earned dollar on a chance that is virtually certain to leave you without any money. But you do it. Why? That's irrational.

If the odds guided common sense, no one would buy a lottery ticket. EVER. Would they? But they in fact do so eagerly! Explain this, my friend.

People get pissed-off when they discover that what they insisted is right is completely wrong according to reality.

I hate the fact that there's shit-loads of "value" around me (accounts, investments, and so forth), but they're inaccessible and/or useless to me most of the time. How the hell is that a wise investment strategy? Fuck, man. I want to spend my money on me, but there's always some asshole there with a stopwatch.

There are many details, but that's about it in a nutshell.

I worked at it for 24 years, became proficient at it, then quit.

I don't live here, you know.
I'm more like a drive-by shooting.
So don't blame the site.

Yeah, but they don't explain what sort of baby, man. So you get a kind of baby-stew. Make sure you get the rolls, lots of butter, and a shit-load of rum. You're gonna need it once you find out what you've been eating. Trust me on this, Soylent Green.


So that's your RIGHT (Dominant) hand, is it, overly honest person?
You just made things a lot simpler.
It will save time.
We are watching to see if the motion matches the words.
We have heard this joke before.

Just roll over and get rubbed on the belly.