Mark Thoresen

"Why's it gotta be black?"

Wow, a 3X3 Eyes Pai figure.

Yeah, locals are aware of this. I'll be at the Udvar-Hazy Center when it touches down to get photos.

I've only seen the show and I have picked up that Snow and Daenerys are the ultimate focal point, she is the dragon (Fire) and he is the snow (Ice), this is their song.

Goliath was in reference to this guy...

"Be careful using it, though, or you'll turn into the worst sort of technonerd—a gargoyle"

So I point out an error and I lose my star, brilliant.

"the young star cluster is thought to have formed less than 100 million years ago, which helps explain the blue-white hue of its largest members. At 400 million light years away, the Pleiades are still visible with the naked eye"

Looks like a stump with a couple branches to me, but I can see how you could interpret that as a victory pose.

Actually, I've found that the film versions of We Can Remember It For You Wholesale (Total Recall), Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (Blade Runner) and The Minority Report (Minority Report) are all exceptions to the rule of the book being better. Now A Scanner Darkly, had a great film but the book was marginally

Yeah, and Donnie Darko is a rip off of Harvey, so there.

One of my all time favorites, now if McGregor would get off his high horse and agree to resume the role of Renton for the sequel, Porno.

This is skewed to favor things that are household items as opposed to individual. The four highest ranking are all devices that were commonly shared amongst a family if owned, the adoption rate for household items shouldn't be considered to be equal with the adoption rate of individual items. A family owning a

well played.

Yeah, I do love me some photo manipulation. I like the shooting challenges just as a means of broadening my amateur shooting horizons, but it's been a good while since i've actually entered, life kinda keeps getting in the way.

Tablets do suck for taking photos, but the apps you can use for tweaking them are great. This was shot on an iPad2 and tweaked with Percolator and FX Studio Pro.

The iPad didn't even exist until 2 years ago, NO ONE NEEDS it...that is not to say it is not an awesome piece of tech, my iPad2 is probably my favorite purchase of the past year. I do see a need rising in the medical field, but at present it isn't a necessity, just a major convenience.

Oh, I assume they do have more money than me, doesn't make annual reuppers any less idiotic. Your analogy with the t-shirt doesn't work as clothing is a necessity and an iPad is a luxury item that no one NEEDS. I get where you are coming from though, and if people have the means and wanna throw their money away,

Just think, if you reup you will be out roughly 50% of the cost of your iPad2 and next year when they come out with the New New Ipad and you are again inclined to reup, again you will be out 50% thereby making it as if you just threw away that (up until this morning) state of the art device that you've had for no more

We have to go baaaacccckkkkk!