Mark Thoresen

Thanks for sharing, bittersweet and beautiful anecdote.

As a single father, I still completely disagree with you on this. When the topic of abortion was brought up, I stated that if the decision were up to me that I would not go that route, however, as I am not the one that will actually have to deal with being pregnant and all that entails, up to and including the

Yeah, I still haven't gotten the hang of the [rewind...hit] it mistakenly thinking it'll tweak my tricks at least 2 times per run.

Don't agree about the pedigree of this demo, loved it...

Classic control brah! All the way.

The original is why I bought the PS2, the demo is hands down the best way for them to market this game. Love it. Hope it is a hit so they don't abandon the franchise again. Cannot wait for 28.

First thing that I thought of, however, that goes against this not being a "cut and paste" job.

Must see! It can go one of two ways, brilliantly irreverent or supa-dupa cheese so bad it's good, either way works for me.

A good many of the fatalities were positive based on testing of whole blood by coroners, as THC is fat soluble a person that had a 3 time a week habit would likely test positive for THC even if they had not smoked on the fatal day. Just saying that without someone actually stating they had smoked in the hours prior to

As THC can be found upto 30 days after ingestion, those that tested positive may not have smoked the same day, let alone hours prior to crash.

Some perspective on the death of Nancy by Lester Bangs, published in the Village Voice, eleven days after her death. Pretty interesting.

Damn, major let down, I actually thought that they had discovered an ocean on Mars. I know that is completely unlikely but thought perhaps it was subterranean.

This selling of soiled panties thing sounds like a good way to get framed for some shit, just sayin'.



Of course it sparkles, everything sparkles when Mr. Clarke and Mr. Bell do their thing.

I haven't bought comics regularly in ages, but I am intrigued by this, love the original and it should always be viewed as a self contained story, doesn't mean more from that universe can't be appealing. Especially intrigued by the Len Wein issues, we were fortunate enough to see what Alan Moore could do with Wein's

"The patients were then played a series of words for five to ten minutes while having their brain activity recorded. Software was then used to decode the brain signals and reconstruct the words."

I have a Droid X and after holding it up next to the screen it's definitely a good comparison, only things missing are the buttons along the bottom (which have been moved to the screen) and the bump on the top of the back. I hate my Droid X, couple that with RIMs issues of late and I'm gonna have to pass.

This made me laugh as my teenaged son is actually named Loki and he would most assuredly have it the other way...nix anyone over 30...Loki's Run.