Mark Thoresen

If they made Brief Lives as a film w/ some flashbacks to Preludes and Nocturnes I think they'd have a solid franchise on their hands that wouldn't alienate the audience as much as starting from the beginning might.

I've always thought to do Sandman justice, it would have to be an anthology style animated series, where the style switches up w/ each story arc.


it's definitely worth a read, but wait until after the 21st as the 10th Anniversary Edition w/ the author's preferred text (according to Gaiman, an additional 22,000 words) is being released.

Cammed movies are gonna be on the upswing...also concert videos.

would still be an issue unless headphones were connected to the glasses in some way, would also mean it would need two audio outputs which would drive up the cost.

great work all around, I really wanted to enter this one but to do so would require more time than the 6 days from announcement to deadline.

It IS a Cinema & DRAFTHOUSE, whose policy is no texting, it's stated before the movie starts. As for the distractions you list, I have been to the Alamo in Winchester Virginia several times and never once did any of those things cause me or my company to be disturbed, whereas some idiot texting or doing anything on a

@ xSix

they already did, two free games for PS3 from a list as well as one for PSP and 30 free days PSN+ for non-subscribers 90 for subscribers...or something like taht...don't quote me.

Teen Wolf seems to be throwing a nod towards Matt Wagner's Grendel, still not quite interested in this revisioning.

bought one at launch for my son with the intent of picking one up for myself at a later date, having messed around with his I decided to wait for a significant price drop. Face Raiders was entertaining for a little while but the launch line up is crap and aside from the 3D (which is hit or miss) it really is just a

wow, I read the article and thought, "I can see that"...then I got to the threads and am thinking, "damn I'm not as bright as i thought i was." I'd ask y'all to turn the brightness down, but I like what it's brought into view.

looks to be about 5 ft, not sure I'd call that high but I suppose that's entirely relative.

I'd hazard a guess that the story had a bit to do with it being included in the post and not just the gallery , to each his own, I found it to be entertaining enough that I may get more creative on the stories accompanying my entries in future shooting challenges.

great shots, great stories, missed this one but will definitely have something for whatever the next one is.

obviously you are a Grumpy Old Poster.

Damn, that sucks for the two deceased and for the 16 injured, not to be a callous lout but it also sucks for me as I ordered one for my son's Graduation on the 17th of June it was slated to ship on June 1st, guess I need to come up with a back up plan.

a reference detail for my entry.