Mark Thoresen

yes, this should be at the very least number 3.

"And you, and you and yes, EVEN YOU", I hate that.

All I can say is Troops! had better be included in the spoofs, think it has only been released once on a bonus DVD in Total Film back int the 90's.

My how the times have changed, back in the 80's I worked undercover security for Tower Records, we were allowed to physically restrain shoplifters if we actually saw them conceal merchandise, this was upto and including tackling.

it's funny, not one poster is inclined to buy yet this will be the top selling blu ray set for the year not to mention it's week of release. I actually am buying it, but it's not a double dip as I haven't purchased any of the previous releases in any format. Yeah, I want the originals, but it's become apparent that

Fox News Headline: Obama Pulls a Kanye on Trump, But Doesn't Let Him Finish. In Other News Osama Bin Laden is Dead.

nope, I'm pretty sure that fact is not fun, at least not to me. not even gonna file it away.

Is that Mel Brooks that keeps saying "I'm dieing"?

What about the Seburo MN-23 from Ghost in the Shell, also those damned briefcase guns.

What about the Seburo MN-23 from Ghost in the Shell, also those damned briefcase guns.

What about the Seburo MN-23 from Ghost in the Shell, also those damned briefcase guns.

uhhh, it does indeed refer to the two parter w/Fonzie jumping a shark on water skis but not because it was a "huge leap in awesomeness", Quite the contrary, it was the low point of the show, the beginning of the end, the point of no return, I remember watching it on it's original aridate and thinking to myself, "damn,

ditch the lantern carrying and I'm with ya.

word! Believe Neuromancer is in turn around, but Snow Crash needs to be done, series would be preferable to film but I'll take what I can get. Really dug the nods to it in Pontypool.

I do not disagree, but drawing a direct correlation to one product as being a big contributing factor to unemployment, like Rep. Jackson did, is irresponsible and incorrect. Yes, building them here would create jobs that might offset or balance jobs lost in dieing industries, but it would also likely offset sales a

Technology has been killing and creating jobs since man first started manufacturing tools and that will continue to be the case, a bookstore clerk may have to find a new job because eBooks have become the new standard (they now outsell paperbacks) just as record store employees had to find new work when mp3 downloads

dammit, overslept, maybe nexttime.