Mark Thoresen

yes, he is order to download a book it must first be published (perhaps on the internet, perhaps in a hardback but still has to be put out by a Publisher) still has to be written and edited, still has to go through every aspect of the traditional method of publishing a book to reach market , save one, it no

hear here.

as a red blooded male chauvinist, I demand you desist in your line of inquiry, I fully respect a woman's mind, and some other bits too.

ixne on the oopidste.

yeah, but Leetah seems to be bloated, and who in the the High Ones is gonna have faith in a busted healer.

As much as I love Serenity, I have to say it going all the way to the final demonstrates a browncoat bias on io9, Empire was a shoe in and should win.

Have you seen my stampler?

MMMMM, Milo Manara chick w/ an iPad, that's like an overdose of sexy.

all credit to Mr. Moore.

One of my favorite authors, Christopher Moore wrote this open letter to Aflac

Love it but for some reason it keeps shrinking the window on my Pandora stations, currently only shows the "PA" from PANDORA ONE and all other text is scaled according to the window size, only site that i have experienced this on.

thank you, thank you, thank you...washed those cringe worthy beats from my ears with an exceptional video for it's time.

I am sure the rod felt fulfilled, I mean, it had just had spontaneous mind blowing head.

Sit on Moai Face.

bonus, as it's the Swedes doing this, still could be considered Viking.

word. err, uh, I mean Precisely.

Yes, yes, but I am a pretentious fuck so I need to be contrary.

reminds me of Londa, so a little interesting in composition but by no means good art. Also #10 is not a musician it's Cloud from Final Fantasy VII. Card carrying member of the Geek Syndicate, so, obviously, I would know.