Mark Rideout

Wow - who has too much time on their hands to think about Jobs?

Where do you want it? X marks the spot

@o0RaidR0o: You have got to be kidding!

Nobody's smoking

@Major-n0ob: Hey batta' batta' batta' .. SWING!

For $434,000 I can cure any problem you have also.

Can it be used to increase AT&T network coverage in areas? Converting your iPhone to use VOIP?

This seems to only test the impact of the chicken at the windshield, not if the windshield can continue to protect at 480 knots. Looking at the buckling around the window seals during impact AND if there was the wind pressure affecting things — it might blow the windshield off.

@The Anti-Fanboy: Ah valid point, though comparing the visuals of Dark Forces Nar Shaddaa and Halo ODST would be a bit of a stretch

Asians with big boobs == win

I read the first sentence as this:

Looks more like Halo ODST place - New Mombasa.

@Covenant: This is a conversation about MS - what do you expect?

It's amazing what you can build from an ant farm now'adays. 5 years ago it was a scanner. Now you can build an ant farm into a car.

They must have been using M$ Front Page 98

@Steenz: Agree. He would make a better Superman.

Anyone remember the Tron Solar Sail?

I thought it was lego at first

you have got to be kidding me

I can think of a few other quests that she might want to go on ;)