You could keep your weapon out of plain slight, but if you have a CHL and have the weapon in your vehicle, you must inform the police officer that you have a weapon in the car. (at least that is how the law operates in Texas)
You could keep your weapon out of plain slight, but if you have a CHL and have the weapon in your vehicle, you must inform the police officer that you have a weapon in the car. (at least that is how the law operates in Texas)
Let's not forget Newton's 3rd law of studies, especially for those coming from Forbes: For every vague and unquantifiable study, there is an equal and opposite unquantifiable study.
During the afterglow phase.
Adblock is run by one guy and his wife and maybe an employee. Adblock Plus is a corporation that extorts money from popular sites. In the end this will lead Google and others to find a way of showing ads that can't be blocked. That technology will then get out to every spammer and his granny and the web will resemble…
If I ever have to go to another airport again, the only thing I'll need is a cyanide capsule.
I work part-time at 2am sometimes to as late as 11am. It's the worst. I'm a delivery driver so I really depend on a good nights rest. Today I was literally dropping things and knocking things over I was so exhausted. I always bring a baggy of fruit and protein like nuts or else I crash super hard by 9am. Usually when…
I'm a reasonable tech-head and yet I've had a Buffalo portable drive fail in 3 months (piece of crap! You get what ya pay for though I guess), and a WD 2TB Elements drive fail in 9 months. And they spectacularly failed. Yet it seemed it was only bad luck. Other portable drives I've had have been physically broken…
I don't think the economic cliff is so big as you explain. But yes, in average, an iPhone user does have higher income. But it's not that only hobos use Android and rich guys use iPhones. Just a small correlation lol.
If I'm somewhere I plan to be for a while, especially on a crowded night, I'll often drop $10 on the first drink tip. It's amazingly effective.
When I was a bartender I would let that bastard waving money wait until after I cleaned some glasses. Yelling excuse me and waving money will get you ignored and short poured.
Have big tits.
I've been meaning to try these - thanks for getting me off my ass!
Came here to say just this, brother!
Back in the days of Windows 95/98, I used to reinstall my entire system from scratch every 3-6 months. Otherwise things would just bog down. With Vista/7, that interval gone up to a couple of years. The OS is much better at staying healthy, and cleanup programs have come a long way.
I'll take all the breached omelets! If they're done, I'll eat them. A "breached omelet" is but a tidy scrambled egg! : )
Not really, because not everyone knows that. A lot of people know that defragging is a thing but don't know whether it's necessary or not. This is for those people. Just because it isn't necessary anymore doesn't mean people aren't asking the question.
Someone needs to register and set up a database of crapware.