Mark LaFlamme

I upgraded from an LG Optimus V to a Samsung Galaxy III. While the general structure of the phone was the same – same Play Store, same browser choices, etc. – the differences beyond that were pretty unreal. Screen size, for one. You probably wouldn't watch a movie on the OV but on the Samsung, it's like being at the

Ha! That's great. I'm waiting now to hear the alert go off. Great way to time coffee in a French press. Who knew? Lifehacker knew, that's who knew.

It's bigger than all of us.

As usual, I'm in the lower 5 percent when it comes to cloud storage. I've been a SugarSync guy from the start and I've never been tempted to change. I just love the true set-it-and-forget-it folder management and the fact that it hasn't let me down a single time. I use it to sync documents, mostly, between machines. I

Huh. New comment system in here or did I just get scammed?

Yeah, it won't let me change it anywhere. Very disconcerting. Initially, I was afraid it was a problem with my Google account, but all other Google logins are just fine. Ah, well. My new nickname: c6bc72a3... Has a ring to it, I guess.

Huh. I hadn't noticed. Interesting.

I'm all about the mental movie, where I'm director, producer, writer and, usually, star. Every night it's a new adventure in the theater of my skull. For a short time, at least, I control the airwaves. I usually drift off in the middle of the show and then the sleep brain takes over. Still, it does the trick and I've

Also: Why is my user name suddenly a 30 digit mix of letters and numbers? Have I been demoted?

I automate the cleaning process with CacheMate. Set it, forget it.

Well, hell! Now, here's one I've never seen. I've poked around in 'sounds' plenty of times, but I guess I've never double clicked in the right place. Very cool. For me, when I try the presets it immediately switches over so it was easy to figure out which one sounds best. Into the Evernote Lifehacker folder it goes!

I tried Feedly for a week and gave up. I've been with The Old Reader and it just gets better every day. Which is awesome because I can drop out of the whole What Do We Do Now discussion. After this, I mean.

The Old Reader