
Not to be a ghoul, but pix or...

This story became about kiddie porn at the moment those school administrators and LEs started scrutinizing the photos.

“Old souls” is the Hubbardian term you’re looking for.

“Yeardley Love, a Theta at the University of Virginia who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend, captured the media’s attention for months on end.”

I believe that most commenters here get cash out to buy weed.

25 publishers have rejected my book proposal for “Hello Fiend,” so the chances of me revealing that have been lessened significantly.

Elephant in the living room of logic: Loss of Cosby Show residuals for MJW.

She reminds me of that Dannemora prison handies in her shade-drawn office.

“You can’t be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth. In fact you will never get any kind of job making a decent living.” The crap coming out of Dr. Ben Carson’s mouth comes to mind...

Your imagination is spot-on.

Bye Felicia!

Hi Neighbor! Have a ‘Gansett!

Is there any precedent for the sheer volume of rape we’re looking at here?

Bill Murray's grand entrance please.

Wake me when you have video of Bill Murray's grand, Deep Purple-sound-tracked entrance into Hall-H...

Someone here will no doubt correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you walk into the state of Kentucky while never leaving the Cincinnati airport?

Rabbit LaRue: points for "snoodge."

I flirted with French prof Francoise Bianchi, if that counts.

Does "I SAW YOU" sound like a confrontation? She flat-out denied it to my face, but... well, honestly, she was so skilled in the art of the reach-around that I came back for more - at least until the semester played out. After that, I subtly busted the professor's balls enough to secure a passing grade in a class I

Bard College, 80s... Took a gut sociology class with my gf who always teased me about her crush on the Prof. One night, she had to leave our dorm for a "rehearsal," and, through our window, I saw her jump in the car of said professor. I jumped in my car, tailed them to his house in nearby Tivoli, NY and staked the