
There are plenty of circumstances in which theft is okay, even some legally. I mean shit even the Catholic Church recognizes that and they wanna send people to hell for touching dicks.

It was in response to some of his fans going too far and making the rivalry an excuse to be racist.

Except he has? He’s said on several occasions when shit got out of hand “hey this isn’t my thing”. Like when the battle against T-Series started having people being racists to India and Indians he came out against it and donated money towards the needy in that country. Those people then, as they are now, assumed he

Odd. I had heard “everything was political”

“Natalie Wynn (ContraPoints) isn’t getting Nazi support, because Nazis don’t identify with her message.”

five years of fuck konami.

Honestly if this thing could stream itself to a smart TV then I’d pick it up. Lose none of the functionality of the normal switch but get a solid piece of hardware that you don’t have to keep modularly messing with.

Alternative title. Gears of Wars 5 does more to recognize Bisexuals than most LGBT events, parades, and organizations do.

Oh cool.

But I don’t care what’s new? Or what my friends have been playing? I want my library tab to be my library. Not half dynamic ad space. I mean it looks pretty but I’ll take function over form in this case.

Problem is that while believe women doesn’t automatically mean the accused is guilty, people treat it like it does. Not only do they treat it like it does, any suggestion to the contrary is met with accusations of being a rape apologist, or being a member of any number of undesirable groups.

So basically the MRA playbook on interactions with women must be recorded at all times in case they wanna false accuse later. What a world we live in when you need constant surveillance just to protect yourself. 

oh well something is creepy. Burn him at the stake I guess

Reviews are spiking upwards and a ton of people are saying they bought it after previously taking it off their wishlist due to the censorship. So.. yes, it is tangibly paying off

Eh not everything, but he does good stuff too

Pretty sure “They’re doing it too” stops being a valid excuse once you move past the age of five or so. It also indicates that one has no desire to actually be better than their opponent, which makes it harder to argue that.. you know.. you’re better than your opponent. 

Yes the super duper dev time of changing the spawn skeleton pos to spawn skeleton pos +rndrot +rand

Could have easily had the skeletons rotate randomly on spawn. Even put in a bit of variable distance from the actual body drop location. Just needs to be like a foot one direction or the next. Bam, large corpse piles, no message making.

You’re looking at “You get a steam key” and trying to find the most obtuse way possible to argue “Well they never actually PROMISED a steam key”. That’s what your doing.

Shenmue 3 was originally going to go to EGS without offering refunds until they were thoroughly flogged into giving them by angry backers.