I kind of assumed that the light the fire was the good ending given its the canon one. Both of them are pretty bad tbh.
I kind of assumed that the light the fire was the good ending given its the canon one. Both of them are pretty bad tbh.
And the exact second it hits the watch tower a banner ad pops up on their video. Dismissible but funny as hell.
Social Justice Warriors and the Ouroboros of Impossible Standards
“Student activists at Northwestern protested Kipnis’ essay by carrying around mattresses in the style of Emma Sulkowicz, which Kipnis regarded as “symbolically incoherent,” given that Sulkowicz’s mattress had come to symbolize student-on-student sexual assault and that Kipnis’ essay was primarily about sex between…
I’ve heard of them before. But nothing good. Drama and horror stories from people supposedly associated with the team.
“Clearly, Amazon and Twitch don’t want to deal with whatever controversies or consequences may arise from users streaming a mass murder simulator.”
I dunno. Most of them seem to be pretty good about admitting that the budget they are asking for isnt the entire budget of the game. Saying they are lying about how much it costs isn’t entirely accurate. Furthermore they blame them for donators questioning how much it really would cost to make a game, but that was the…
If players were in charge of WoW
It.. was a good game. I loved X-2.
And here I can’t even beat Fume Knight x.x
“your cis het white scum”
Oh. Wow from the looks of that it seems like her entire outfit is just part of her camouflage abilities
Nah they just gave him soft pecs instead.
Dear Tecmo... Do dis
Hah. that’s kind of awesome.
I’m enjoying Scholar of the First Sin but.. the disjointed nature of the world bugs me. PEople have attempted to hand wave it away with excuses but there is a special kind of dissapointment when you enter the tower of flame area, turn around, and realize there is no way you could have possibly come here through that…
I had this gun years ago on Second Life.
From should have released and unbroken game that didn’t require a fan patch to fix
Unplug your router?