
Unless it was some really foul kinky wierd ass shit I'm pretty sure it's not going to tramatize a kid. Shit by that age most kids i knew had already had some exposure to porn either by finding their dads stash or obtaining it from an older sibling. Nowadays you got the internet which is almost impossible to browse

"The year's best ranged from free to $60" I'm.. not coming up with any F2P games I would consider contenders for "the year's best". Most if not all of the 'F2P' games popping to mind really do require some cash at some point if you want to keep playing with any semblance of progress or being on an even playing field.

I don't even like Halo and know that Halo 2 was the best of the series. Hell the MP game survived so long that it delayed the closing of the original Xbox's MP support and spawned a group of players that had to be kicked off the service because they wouldn't let the thing die. It probably had the most die hard fanbase

So basically an uglier looking Second Life. Kay.

Lot of people wanting to be offended on our behalf to earn points for being a 'good person'.

Pretty much. It was never a huge thing and even then people rag on Gabe for taking what, 3 years to reverse his position on ever doing the strip in the first place?

This event and the ones preceeding it highlight the reasons that the content ID system should have never been made. Sadly they poured far to much money into making it, which means everyone gets to suffer. With no real competition, youtube won't be changing course anytime soon

And here I thought this was going to be about some sort of Bondage Fairies book

I just think that if it was supposed to pronounced with a soft G, then it probably would have been wise to bring this up sometime early on instead of trying to change the way the majority of people have said it for oh.. nearly 3 decades now. Seems like a year 1 thing, maybe 2. Not so much 25-26.

It kinda was. People will always debate who the best character is in the game but I thought the female characters edged out the males in terms of usefulness and damage output if used right. But nah. lets focus on a kinda shit marketing decision.

Honestly when you think about it the strippers were probably some of the most upstanding characters in the game. They did what they wanted, were honest about it, were sane, and hurt no one in the process. Can't really say the same about most the other characters in the game.

Tanisha wasn't really all that perfect. She got out of her situation because she was tired of the gang life and being around all that culture entailed and then simultaneously went back and shamed Franklin for trying to do the very same thing, shaming him into going to risk his life once more to save Lamar from a

Tomb Raider was kind of a mess really. Laura goes from weak to strong only to become weak again several times just long enough to fulfil a secondary damsel in distress role and require one of her male friends to come in and protect her until death as their gender roles dictate. One minute mowing down enemies and

GTA? Yeah one of them has a wife and a daughter. Neither are really very good people but that pretty much follows suit for himself and his son too. The whole point is the family is extremely dysfunctional and warped by his previous life. Most people gloss over this of course.

Yeah.. you wanna bring up how GTA didn't have any female protagonists fine. Or how it didn't have any women really that important to the plot. Sure. But the strippers? That's probably one of the few non-issue things about the game. The Dead island torso.. eh. I don't really count that as an issue of "Representation".

Your user name is very appropriate for the comment you made. Hopefully one day you will get it back and realize how completely wrong your viewpoint is.

Sounds less like bullying and more like sexual assault.

This. I took a second look through and it's actually pretty neutral except for the part you mentioned and even that is kinda sorta neutral technically. This whole article and all the arguments that sprung from it are the result of people projecting their own viewpoints onto something that is fairly neutral in terms of

Didn't we just invent a artificial womb? Meanwhile They've also been figuring out how to make eggs work like sperm. Not to advocate Genocide (although trust me people have been in discussions about these breakthroughs) But in a few decades either sex could technically go on living just fine without the other one

Anita is about a good of introduction to feminism as Astrology is to Astronomy. Precious little facts to be found wrapped up in superstitious nonsense