
Ugh. That New Game+ one time play thing is idiotic. This isn't the only game to do that sadly. Thing is I will never understand the logic. It just seems like a huge screw over and if it really just wipes everything Im not sure what the point is to the new game plus anyways.

Kinda sad its just there. Was hoping for something fallout-y where you hear an explosion and see the thing crash from a distance. Find some weapons scattered about or something.

Probably just Wendigos.

From Dust is what I thought of when I watched the video.

It's neat and all, but I dont really know that its really that much of a refrence point for what the game would look like remade. An HD straight port to source maybe. But not like.. full on remake.

It's racism, but it's against whites, so basically according to most modern equality movements 'it's not real racism' because of 'reasons'

Because etymology is only of limited usefulness. What the word originally meant is a fun little fact but what it means now is far more important. Twat lost its gendered meaning a long time ago. If we were stuck with limiting ourselves to just the classical meaning of words then we would have to just let it pass