
Howzabout a hotted-up four-cam Ford V8 jammed into a stripped down Miata with some big brakes, ridiculously fat tires, a wider track and flared fenders to make a modern "Cobra"?

Ridiculous: Ford Excursions could be gussied up (more) and sold as Porsche Cocksters, for those folks who want a Cayenne, but find it to be too small, efficient, and European.

It looks a hell of a lot better in black sliding sideways on dirt roads than it does in the still shots in orange.

'84 Pontiac Grand Prix?

Curiously, I've never much cared for the Veyron, but I love the 959. Yet they're both the end result of a German automaker saying "screw everything, let's build the geatest car in the goddamned world." Must be the Porsche's racing heritage.

Ask me in a year, and I might say Hyundai Tiburon (tepid front drive econo-sportster) to Hyundai Genesis Coupe (right-wheel drive hoonmobile).

CRX -> Del Sol

Come on, little 928! You're a survivor!

Several years ago, I observed a dreaded clicky CV joint noise, and determined that my Acura Vigor might be in need of some new front axles. Due to its pain in the ass press on hubs this was not a DIY job, and not wanting to pay dealer rates I dropped in to a local Midas/Meineke-like establishment, explained the

Wait a minute, that friggin' Neon is in New York. You'll spend twice what you pay for it just getting it across the country.

For LeMons, the Neon seems perfect. A car and two motors for $300? That leaves you $200 to spend addressing any issues (and $200 worth of Neon parts from the Pick-n-Pull should hopefully be enough to address them). Even assuming the original 150 horse DOHC motor is only putting out 120 or so now the car will still be