
“and his tendency to avoid certain niceties—singing the Democratic party’s praises, buttering up the press—made him an abrasive figure for some”

Same. After trying to find a tutorial about how to put on fake eyelashes (lol) I went down a rabbit hole of makeup youtubers, and when I came across Nikkie....I loved her immediately. Very genuine, funny, and no where near as narcissistic as her peers are. Super refreshing. I wish she didn’t have to say anything, or

Yes, such regulatory nightmares like:

Fright Night is of my husband’s favorite movies! That’s not really my genre, but I thoroughly enjoyed it, and Yelchin was fantastic.

I’m here laughing my ass off at all those dumbass people defending her in the beginning. Idiots, the lot of them.

“i have a worthless liberal arts degree and this minimum wage barista job means i can’t afford to pay it back” feels like someone who never took their obligation seriously to begin with - they did not plan for how to pay it back.

I am not spoiled beyond the limited statements the cast has made, but Emilia Clarke has also made some statements which make me think the ending is going to make people very upset/angry.

I’m telling you why it’s a bona fide scandal. I can’t convince you to care, nor do I really want to. Like, people did actual illegal shit. That’s basically what it boils down to. Again, it’s not just “underqualified kids got accepted to universities.” There was genuine fraud involved.

Their parents committed several instances of actual fraud to get them accepted. That’s why there’s a scandal. Like, we’re talking about ringers taking their SATs for them, heads being photoshopped onto other people’s bodies in order to make it look like they participated in various school sports, etc. It was genuinely

Yes, you are. Jaded has nothing to do with it. Examine your own feelings; don’t ask us to do it for you.

I have zero sympathy for her and think she totally was involved (dad took picture of her on an indoor rowing machine to show that she was involved in crew) but I believe it was Felicity Huffman who said “ruh ro” about her kid’s guidance counselor getting suspicious.

It will be interesting to see all the Bernie Bros who "totally would have voted for a woman if it was Warren instead of Hillary!" find excuses to not vote for any of the many woman (including Warren) who are already in the race and you know, also actual fucking democrats.

Name a breakfast food anywhere as delicious, like, sushi or marinated cassava. I’ll wait.

Also worth noting, the same mechanism that gives you cotton mouth after you use cannabis also applies to your vagina.

And also considering that... I forget which polls have shown that a majority of Americans want the same shit she does. If enough politicians are being bothered by their constituents, they’ll eventually buckle down and get it done, or they’ll get voted out.

This almost exactly my experience as well. I wouldn’t say I was afraid of sex, but I had a very emotionally traumatic relationship with it with my first long-term, on-again-off again boyfriend. For 2 years sex with him was painful always and I thought something was physically wrong with me when there wasn’t. I’ve

I had that, too, while on the pill. I also had it while breastfeeding, but much much worse. At that point, I came up with a theory (untested and not discussed with doctors so take it for what it’s worth) that something hormonal was causing a problem with my actual skin. It wasn’t just dry and lube didn’t totally fix

What does that even mean?  Towards whom does one climb in Toronto?

All they need is a yellow lab, and it’s an LLBean catalog cover.  

A religious belief is not eating pork or not working on Saturday. This is treating people like shit and then blaming god when you get caught.