
Ugh. Why does every dumb comment have to become “Jezebel readers”. The very fact that you are here, and there is disagreement in this thread, makes false the idea that there is some monolith of Jezebel ideology. It’s really insulting when people imply this.

What the fuck are you even angry about? That she lived in three places?


If you loathe the 0.01%, the too big to fail banks, wall street, and the rest of that circle and the wealth inequality and more that central banking backing up fractional reserve banking drives then you should be on Andrew Jackson’s side. 

As Anne Rice has certainly taught us. :)

I’m gonna be so salty when time travel is finally invented and I can’t go anywhere.

You make a very good point. However. I would totally bone Bryan Cranston on a train. I would bone him on a plane. I would bone him here or there, I would bone him anywhere.

Well you are the expert on predictable and mediocre.

Jesus God, you are on a roll lately. First defending the Catholic church against completely true allegations/dogma while shitting on their abuse victims, then attack Blac Chyna for not being a perfect victim of a psycho, revenge porn-posting, woman-beating Kardashian, and now this shit. You are really not a fan of

“You just didn’t think about it because, as a woman, you didn’t care until they gave you a hard time over a sleeveless outfit or peek-toe pumps.” Right there, you’re denigrating the story and the author by making the assumption she only cares when it affects women and imply that we don’t care about men’s rights just

Reason No. 4 to never shop at Hobby Lobby: Every Hobby Lobby cashier has a 6" binder filled with bar codes for every conceivable “discount” and coupon Hobby Lobby has ever put out, and yet there is a 75% chance that the shopper at the front of whatever line you’re in has a coupon for 10% off of a single dried flower;

I think Sons of Patriarchy would be a better name.

I’m guess I’m just not clear why you think violently, viciously abusing only one woman (that we know of) equals “deserving a second chance.”

Women suicide bombers are so rare that there isn’t enough data to properly build a profile, since up until recently suicide bombing was considered a man’s job. Getting women to do this is basically seen as an act of desperation among terrorists.

“it happened to me so it’s not that bad if it happens to others!”

Au revoir, Felicia.

Ohhhh my god shutttuuppppp nobody cares about how big your military dick is America, not everything is about youuuuu.

No, because that is a delightful movie, not a dumb movie.

This may just be my existential despair talking, but most of the time I feel like nothing she could have done would have made a difference. We still would have ended up with the Cheeto in Chief because everybody is sexist and racist and life is terrible and we’re all going to die. 

He didn’t sell out anything. He saved our economy and implemented the most revolutionary healthcare change (okay, tied with Medicare/Medicaid) this country has ever seen. He also gave us two excellent Supreme Court Justices, some good environmental regulation, and pretty much kept us out of any major wars.