Marriage will either end in divorce or death.
Marriage will either end in divorce or death.
We all make that face when we’re about to give teenagers the autism.
oh ffs just because you decided to sell your vagina to Jesus doesn’t mean the rest of us did.
I wouldn’t say Mockingbird is just a cleaned up version when the time period, plot, and ages of the characters are totally different.
Come sit by me. This is bullshit. She *never* wanted this to see the light of day.
what the hell is the point of this. I was already iffy about why and who was publishing it. but if you read the full article there are facts from Mockingbird that don’t line up with this “second” book. It is clearly an early draft and that Atticus evolved into something else. I choose to remember that evolution. It…
ooh! Ooh! My mom’s family is from S. Florida, so “family vacation” always meant “visit Gramma and Grampa in Ft. Lauderdale. Cool. It has a beach! My grandparents live like, on the damn beach so my brother and I would jump out of the car, throw on a swim suit and run head long into the water on a semi public-ish beach…
Homie, did I just step into a Morton factory because the level of saltiness is just sky-high. Relax. The original comment, while annoying, can be forgiven because I recognize people are people with varying emotions and reactions. However, her apology was piss-poor and did nothing to explain anything but her need to…
Can we reframe this?
Forget the ridiculous third reason for a moment. Why do there seem to be so many otherwise intelligent people who don’t seem to understand that the vast majority of the time it’s not appropriate to act on your sexual impulses? Literally everyday of the week I work with and walk by women that I am attracted to,…
You know who else is one of the most successful comedians of the last 10 years? Jeff Dunham, who uses a puppet dressed as a Muslim terrorist for laughs, along with a slew of other racist and sexist puppets. I bet he’d agree with Jerry, too.
No. You aren’t dating them anymore, they aren’t family, and it’s none of their business. Why would you?
That really drives how purely this is about bullshit “modesty” culture (which is just another word for rape culture). It has nothing to do with the actual child’s body—just as you say, your daughter’s body is only considered wanton and slatternly when people realize she’s a girl. The exact same body is perfectly…
LOL no. I have pictures since I was like, 4 in all sorts of silly, ridiculous poses, including the hand-on-the-hip one. Why? Because I probably saw it on runway shows on TV and on cartoons and magazines and stuff and I was alllll about “modeling” clothes around my living room, which meant that I was ridiculously…
I let my 19 month old run around in just in swim bottoms because 1) she’s 19 months old, there is nothing remotely sexual about her pre-pre-pre-pubescent body 2) I ain’t got time to try an wrestle a wrigling toddler out of a wet lycra top or, god forbid a 1-piece swimsuit. Last year, I got some side-eye for this (yes,…
he was a vampire and she wasn’t a vampire but got pregnant but then became a vampire and then they had a baby and her werewolf boyfriend falls in love with the baby
A friend ran into her kid’s kinder teacher having a margarita one night at a restaurant, and when the kid asked, “Mommy, why does Ms. S have a margarita?” she replied, “For the same reason Mommy does, sweetheart. Just let her relax.”