
Oof, yeah. People are more inclined to change their views and join up with religious conservative movements when they’re going through a period of personal crisis (failed marriages, depression, grieving loved ones, etc), so this makes sense to me. I had a super liberal college friend on Facebook whose married partner

I’m on Chrome and the “Load More Comments” button isn’t working for me and hasn’t been for weeks now. And “pending replies” isn’t working either. It’s like they don’t want us to comment here.

I’m curious as to whether these industries attract natural predators because they know power and money are impenetrable shields or if it’s that absolute power corrupts absolutely? or both?”

By not telling her the whole truth, he is depriving her of any real choice in this matter, and he’s doing it because it’s more convenient for him. But, see, her forgiveness was for his original story, which was just another lie. He needs to understand that he is not entitled to his wife’s forgiveness, nor is he

Mine is fairly recent — within the last few years or so. I’ll preface it by saying that I’m autistic, so I struggle a bit with friendships. When I was younger, “friends” would basically only keep me around because I legitimately couldn’t tell the difference between when they were laughing with me or laughing at me. So

It looks like the main issue here is that she’s no longer earning what she once did from the merchandise, which kind of makes sense to me since current trends in portraiture have a more inward focus: people don’t want pictures of babies on their walls; they want pictures of their own babies on their walls.

Exactly this. I would have preferred Sanders over Biden, but I do think it says a great deal that a man who has spent 4 decades in politics was able to summon so little support from amongst his colleagues. That’s not an establishment issue, that is a personal issue that speaks to an unwillingness to build bridges,

So let me see if I understand what’s going on here. One of the biggest writing organisations in the world, in one of the most prolific and successful genres in publishing, is dealing with a microcosm case of the same industry-wide issue with white supremacy that has kept authors of colour fighting for years for

But he already wrote that story. He won a Pulitzer for it. This was the one about how other powerful men enabled abusing women and tried to silence his work.

Let a retired bitch be petty, Joan

“barron seemed joyless”

Her husband deserved the coup. He was completely nuts, everyone hated him, and it started to seem pretty damn likely that he’d murder Catherine.

Wait. You find her apology tour for claiming Native American ancestry off-putting? After that DNA test people were literally demanding she apologize, and now that she’s making an effort to focus on indigenous issues, you find that off-putting? I’m . . . very puzzled.

He was in the remake of Fright Night with Colin Farrell, a movie that does not get near enough love. His death really is heartbreaking.

Yep. I have to get botox injections for tension headaches. It’s been a lifesaver for me.

Her adviser confronted her. She knew.

She was CCd in the emails where her parents discussed the crime. 

Of course she knew. It was clear from the onset. She was asked to pose for fake rowing photos, for goodness sake.

Batman puts on the guise of billionaire playboy, so it makes sense that he’d probably get a nice fake tan to put some colour on him, so people think he’s been off holidaying when he’s really been fighting crime.