TC needs to be the first ‘name’ to NAME NAMES.
TC needs to be the first ‘name’ to NAME NAMES.
I love love love Sherry Thomas’s books, though she seems to be writing romance less now. Her books The Luckiest Lady in London and Private Arrangements were my favourites, and if you’re looking for historical romance with a non-white heroine, The Hidden Blade and My Beautiful Enemy feature the same characters and are…
Effective sexual predators also have platonic and even friendly relationships with women that they hide behind, so those women end up unwittingly vouching for their character, so they seem innocent. It is deliberate. And these women are often notably less vulnerable.
I’m almost certain this was Weinstein, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she signed a NDA when he settled.
Jessica Chastain has spoken out on Twitter.
I have nothing to add, I just want to say that I love this article and I love you, Kelly. Marry me.
The most sympathetic reading of this situation is that Sunderland got lost in a kind of journalism that has always existed, but is more prevalent in our current political landscape; writers intent on fully understanding a controversial issue ingratiating themselves with the “other side” to present a comprehensive…
From this answer, I’m beginning to think Jane doesn’t have any friends. Or, at least, not close ones.
I love Alisha Rai (her Twitter is brilliant) and I loved Hate to Want You. I’m so excited to read the sequel and whatever she puts out next!
To be fair, Old Testament God is a mega asshole.
It’s the smug look of a woman making bank from the money of clueless upper-middle class white women who wouldn’t hesitate to get into the mud with her.
They don’t even want to fund birth control, which reduces the need for abortions. If they’re not interested in doing the bare fucking minimum to prevent abortion, they’d sure as hell never approve of funding for women to get abortions in another state.
I think we’re going to have to let Tragic Kingdom Gwen Stefani go. Gwen Stefani certainly has.
They go through the editing process, yes. But it’s up to the author whether to accept edits and sometimes things slip through even with a fair number of eyes on it. Editors can only guide the process along; they can’t force an author to accept their suggestions.
I don’t think they’re surprised that it happened, just how blatantly and clumsily it was done. If it had that little dagger next to it on the list, it wouldn’t be here.
I don’t know, I’ve been noticing a massive downgrade in YA fiction since self-publishing became popular.
She is describing herself. She is listed on the IMDB page as playing the lead character in the planned adaptation (that is absolutely not going to happen, but whatever).
then drivel like this and Twilight becomes a hit and a movie franchise and I look at my shit and it’s like “why am I even bothering to write something good and meaningful when it apparently doesn’t matter”
I definitely feel like there’s an important conversation to be had about how fucked up Hollywood power dynamics are (this reminded me a great deal about Kristen Stewart’s brief affair with the married director of Snow White and the Huntsman), as well as how liberal men use the language of feminism and social justice…