
THANK YOU! I feel like people's memory of Lindsay Lohan's talent is better than it actually was. If a young actress like, say, Chloe Moretz pulled a Lindsay Lohan and didn't appear in anything of significance for 10 years, I'd definitely look back and say, "It's sad because she was so talented." But Moretz has a range

I honestly do hope Lohan makes some sort of comeback because she is a talented person.

Maybe it had nothing to do with modelling, and everything to do with the fact that Ricci is tiny and thin, and large breasts on a woman with her frame hurt? Ricci and I have similar body types. I'm short, petite, and I had huge breasts. I was limited in my physical activity because they were too large for my body,

Yes. I'd say sharing a bed with a much younger sibling and masturbating literally right next to her is pretty gross. It's not like they didn't have separate beds. Dunham wrote a very long section about how she coerced her sister to sleep in the same bed with her at night. The masturbation scene prefaced with that made

I'd say it's still suspect. Dunham has established an emotionally manipulative pattern with her sister, as well as a pattern of severe lack of boundaries ("[Lena] made my personal life her property"). This instance would strike me as being no different.

I feel like there's a crucial aspect to this, though: Dunham has controlled the narrative on this issue. It's Dunham's book, so it's about her feelings. Grace isn't the famous sibling; already that puts Dunham in a position of power.

She was 17. Which would have made her sister 10.

The scene I read where Lena masturbated in bed with her sister asleep right next to her occurred when Lena was 17. So her sister was 10.

I mean this is the woman who fake a suicide to convince an ex to go to rehab. Then the ex killed himself and she later used that fake suicide audio as a performance art.

Oh WOW, she went over to Goodreads? Just wow.

Is it that Jenny person? The one who has commented on nearly every thread defending Hale? Yeah, I thought she was oddly invested, too.

In the comments of the review (Blythe took down the actual review)

Because she can't act. I mean, I haven't exactly seen Godot's movies, but I have seen Carano in Haywire and while she resembles Wonder Woman physically, YIKES she is a bad actress.

A source claims the bar tab was $230,000, with a $47,000 tip.

He is so pretty. SO PRETTY.

I'll second AphroditeBean. I'm a chicken when it comes to pain and I don't remember anything, either. I counted backwards, made it to 7 and don't remember a thing until I woke up. Probably the worst pain for me was my throat when I woke up (dry from the tubes), but not my breasts. I didn't end up using most of the

Also, don't forget to use the terms "Assisted Living" and "Senior Apartments" instead of "nursing home". Perception is 9/10s of the battle.

Yep. My mom is the primary caretaker of my grandmother even though she has seven other siblings: 5 brothers (who live in state) and 2 sisters (who live out of state). One of them, my uncle, is a millionaire. He pitches in a few bucks here and there, but my mom still pays the rent for grandma's senior apartment, her

Sometimes I think people forget just how young Malala Yousafzai is. She's been through so much and accomplished so much, but she's 17-years-old. She's a teenager, and a lot of teenagers adore Justin Bieber. He's an absolute shithead, but damn it, let her Facetime with him and don't give her shit about it, OK? And

I know Pym will be in the movie. But Scott Lang will be the main character, and the story will be about him.