
Definitely so. Fashion photography especially attracts a lot of creepers because there's a lot of enabling and little reporting. Especially once a photographer gets into the upper echelons of the industry; models are coerced to participate in shoots that make them uncomfortable because the photographer is in a

You guys . . . I had completely forgotten that Lindsay Lohan had a REALLY successful singing career that resulted in 1 certified platinum album and 1 certified gold album. Remember that?

I wouldn't count Mean Girls. Guys, Mean Girls is like 10 years old now. Lindsay was like 17 when it was made. Even then, she was the least interesting character in that movie. I've never seen any performance from LiLo that could qualify her as a "great talent". I've enjoyed plenty of her early films — Freaky Friday

I hope someone here is able to give you some sound advice. I just wanted to comment and say I'm so sorry you're going through this.

I am a single Oreo eater, and the only way I've made it possible to eat only one at a time is to take the Oreo, put the pack away, and immediately leave the kitchen with my Oreo and eat it in another room. Some people might go back for more, but by that point I'm comfortable and can't be bothered.

But did she have a kid when she was dating Brad Pitt? I don't think she did. Aren't both with Chris Martin?

I'm so sorry that happened to you. It's sad that workplace sexual harassment happens SO often that some people just brush it off as totally normal and "harmless." It isn't. It's not OK for someone to touch you without your permission, end of.

Oh, I'm so glad. That's really reassuring to know!

What saddens me about this is that this isn't just a failing of the university, it's a failing of every level of education these athletes have been through. If their writing and reading comprehension is at a third grade level, they have been able to get through almost their entire academic careers submitting sub-par

That's not what I'm asking. I'm asking how it's enforceable when they can simply buy firearms from places that don't require background checks. The people buying the firearms would be breaking the law, but the people selling them wouldn't, since the legislation that required backgrounds didn't pass. Unless I missed

I...hate to be the downer on this party, but would this really be effective when people can just buy new guns from places that don't require background checks? The background check thing that could have been solved by 2013's (voted down) legislation?*

The problem is when parents get so overly concerned about their children "getting fat" that when they go through a childhood chubby phase (which happens very, very often, is not an indication of poor health or eating habit, and often occurs before a growth spurt) the parent immediately starts hemming and hawing about

It just shows that children (teens, in this case!) can be more accepting and compassionate than their parents. Very encouraging stuff.

Yeah, I was really disappointed with Vampire Academy. Great book series and it could have been a fantastic movie, but they just shot themselves in the foot with it.

Vampire Academy, Beautiful Creatures, and — though it's not YA — The Host is often lumped in with the rest because it was written by Stephanie Meyer. The only thing these movies have in common other than being YA books and flops is that they were all just bad movies. Twilight might have been bad, but it was well

Oh my goodness, thank you for posting this. I just watched a few of her videos and she's brilliant!

I don't know how people can just . . . not think about these things. Truthfully, I think about the day one of my parents will die a lot, and I'm filled with terror. And my mother's mother is still alive, and I think about when I'll receive that awful phone call that she's passed on. I understand that these things are

No, Lynn Shepherd is with Bantam, an imprint of Random House. So her advance came from 50 Shades of Grey. Same principle, point misser.

It did! I read that a ton of people at Random House got bonuses for it, too!

OK, look. Here's why it's important for people like JK Rowling to keep writing: they make publishers money, which publishers use — in turn — to pay midlist authors (like Lynn Shepard!) their advances. The JK Rowlings of the publishing world keep money circulating in publishing. They give new writers a chance. That's