
I read that article this morning, and I am honest to goodness having such a difficult time trying to articulate any thoughts that don't include a string of profanities at these disgusting human beings who trade children like fucking Pokemon cards.

Ah, so sorry! The other poster had me all fired up.

I'd argue that Hathaway's Catwoman is the best incarnation of the character yet. However, Catwoman was simply one example I gave of something that has been extremely prevalent in depictions of female comic book characters. This has nothing to do with suspension of disbelief and everything to do with the fact that

Really? I disagree. I think Catwoman is a practical woman while in her Catsuit and would wear something that made her as silent as possible (the clickity-clack of a heel would not do, sorry). She's an arrogant, sexy lady, but you can be that in practical shoes, too.

Dancing is not the same as a combat situation.

The fact that you think this is all about suspension of disbelief just shows how absolutely ignorant and tone-deaf you are.

Yes. Dressing up like a giant bat doesn't handicap you in battle. Heels do. End of.

Superman is an alien with superpowers. Nolan's Catwoman is a normal human being who can likely break an ankle. That's an idiotic argument.

Female comic book heroes are hardly ever dressed in practical clothing or footwear. Movies have gotten better on the clothing, but the shoes overwhelmingly remain high-heels that are absolutely, without a doubt impractical for combat situations. Leather, in contrast, was a practical outfit for Catwoman since she got

I swear to god, if I see any high-heels, I will be sorely disappointed. I remember seeing the first pictures of Catwoman in the Christopher Nolan movies and being really pissed off that despite all the practical uses he's had for Batman's gear, Catwoman is still running around in heels.

I've seen a few movies now with this as the opening preview and it freaks me out each time.*

Right? I'm convinced sex with this thing would create some awesome positions not possible with a regular mattress.

But it looks like the easy solution here would just be to tuck the sheet into the creases, which would work even better for keeping them in place.

That smack to the face looked so authentic I actually wonder if it was intended. That's one of my favourite Friends scenes ever.

You know what, I don't even care — I'd love the shit out of this. I love spooning. I love being spooned. I do not love my arm falling asleep and me waking up and I have to throw it in a different position because I can't feel it.

It's not just abortion that's outlawed, but there's a lack of access to birth control for most of the population (again, Catholic country), as well. Any girl in a seriously Catholic nation who becomes sexually active and doesn't want to be a mother isn't given a chance. This girl most likely had no way of preventing

I really like wedges (which seem to put the foot at a less extreme angle, too), but I just can't balance well enough in any heel (wedge or no) to wear them casually. I bought a cute pair for a friend's wedding — and was totally like, "I am going to wear these all the damn time! — and holy wow did I walk down that isle

I find all of these terrible. But I went to the Tumblr, and absolutely the most appalling, fucking offensive thing to me was the "shirtless homeless bum selfie." I actually saw red.

Douglas sort of implying that going down on Zeta-Jones GAVE him cancer before clarifying about HPV

I haven't read the books myself, but yeah, the movie was just abysmal. Cheesy, over the top, just bad. Though The Mortal Instruments is even worse. I keep hearing people say that critics must have something against YA adaptations, but The Hunger Games was very well received, as were the Harry Potter movies, and The