
Dracula looks like someone’s Soccer Dad in the teaser trailer. 

That’s a big yikes! 

This is actually advice that my great aunt (who was in an all around bad  marriage but never left) gave to my mom: There’s worst things then being alone.” While my great aunt never left her bad marriage, my mom left her’s and is so much better for it. 

Oh totally. 

The Dallas police has no suspects? They ARE the suspects. 

I do not remember that 0ne.

OMG. Did he have the best personality in the world? Were you dating Ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes? What the Hell? 

I totally forgot about his weird recantation shit. Bless Christopher Pike. 

Hi, Florida Native here (from Tallahassee by way of Jacksonville Beach) and weirdly, alligators do climb fences all the time. We used to live along the canal and they’d climb up (or push under) our fence to get into our pool. Where they promptly died due to the chlorine.


It’s pretty obvious that he got murdered, right? 

Epstein continues to sound more and more like an Law and Order: SVU villain.

Did you ever read Deerskin? 

Me too! I’m afraid to reread it on the basis a lot of the books I loved growing up did not age well and I couldn’t bare that with Alanna. 

I’m also really confused about the purpose of the article! Thank 

That’s a bummer of a flag. 

Quick question, doses anyone remember the plot of Avatar besides it Pocahontas in space with brain tentacles sex?


V8’s great! It’s good to use when you make meatloaf, 

I know it, it such a great series!