
"Do you think your negativity helps sell units?"

Ah, yes. I, too remember when Steam first came out. Everybody complaining and wanting their WON id's back, the friends list not working ~98% of the time. Good times.

Ha, good luck.

I... I don't even know what to say. ZombiU is more on a level with Dark Souls in terms of difficulty. Diablo III is a piece of cake. Even in Inferno difficulty if you just play somewhat intelligently rather than just mindlessly clicking on everything it's an incredibly easy game.

You're really comparing the difficulty of Diablo III to this? *really*?

Perhaps (and I realize this is entering into crazy territory) there are some pirates but still plenty of people buying legitimate copies of games through services like Steam for PC, so that such services are actually able to turn a profit!

Ya, 'cause, you know, things like Steam aren't used at ALL.

I've been trying for *years* to break into the game-making field. Wish I could find a mentor....

Ya, I never played it on a console, so never experienced that.

Good point about the 1080p, I am using it at that resolution. That said, I haven't tried running it at the highest resolution available on PC in the standard game(forget exactly what that is... but it's much higher than 640x480), any idea if the HUD scales up to stay that large at those standard resolutions available

"that Baltar and Six never pay for the mass murders they were instrumental in. "

Is that world-wide or US-only?

I think it's because it's only temporarily free?


97% is probably overstating it a bit. We *do* make generalizations because a significant amount of the time they're true, but the problem arises in that people have a hard time letting those generalizations go in situations where they aren't. Instead, people stick stupidly an stubbornly to their assumptions, insisting

"or the other people that try so hard to fit in with what their sex is supposed to act like. "

In fairness, the christian in a mosque was the only one that didn't really fit. The others were valid(especially the latter example of a man working in the cosmetic industry. How many comments do you think he gets about his sexual orientation?)

"I personally doubt a any gamer or reviewer cares in the slightest what gender the developer is who makes their games"

... and these women are... banding together and protesting.