
You guys are misinterpreting this! The game is *IN* Limbo!

AMD stated that its based on the R770 chip, which is found in the mid-high range radeon hd 4xxx. Unfortunately, there's several random rumored ones here with me.

Internet. Won.


I posted this in response to another commenter here, but "It might be worth it to look into the Stoic school of philosophy(see: ). Looking at the world exactly as it is, rather than how you wish it would be really is a great way to deal with such issues, I've found."

It might be worth it to look into the Stoic school of philosophy(see: ). Looking at the world exactly as it is, rather than how you wish it would be really is a great way to deal with such issues, I've found.

Parody is protected free use.

I'm not entirely sure why people say guilt. It's always seemed pretty clear that his motivations are simple: survival.

A lot of new cars come standard with an alarm system. If you then choose the basic package, the dealer *removes the alarm*. So stuff like that is already done with cars.

"beginner gamer girlfriend"

Were there any other established countries in the Americas in 1776(Not rhetorical, that's an honest question)? Could be that the term was legitimate when it was first coined and then just carried through by the fact that it was already established. I assume part of it likely also has to do with the fact that the US'


That's why if I ever ran for office(which I don't see myself doing), I'd just beat them all to it and say it out in the open. I think most politicians are hurt more by the cover-up attempts than by the actual infraction.

Sad that he seems to focus more on the "stabbing" and such, and less on the "I'm lazy" and "I'm seriously slacking off at work today". THOSE are the valid arguments, not asinine comments on how she spends her free time, or that she hates McCain for choosing Palin.

You're company sends out notices when someone gets laid? WHERE DO YOU WORK?

Poisoning the well much?

"Actually hurtful. Several studies have shown that making these kinds of jokes actually hurt people of colour."

They're not going to discuss details with the public. That said, it's fairly obvious that if one guy was treated this badly, there's probably a whole host of people who were treated similarly, and other people who saw it going on and were uncomfortable with it but didn't know who to talk to and didn't want to piss off

Pretty much the only reason I still play AC is for the narrative. The gameplay is a fairly awful snoozefest of wait, counter, wait, counter over and over again until the 30 guys standing around you waiting their turn are all dead.

"And how comedy is those with less power using humour as a tool to lessen the gap in power and when someone with more power makes fun of those with less is abusive and bullying."